Guys And Dolls

You can tell when you are in for a real treat of a musical, when the entire cast of 22 walks onto the set and not only can sing, dance and act, they actually perform all of the music and do so with some gusto and talent.!

Guys and Dolls, I always think, is not an easy musical to perform. It is a fairly long piece,with shortish musical numbers so the actors need to be able to act with some talent as well as be able to belt out a show stopper or two.
Last night's performance at Theatre Clwyd was a stonker and real quality and I was surprised that two of the smallest roles stole the entire show from the four excellent leads .........Johnson Willis (playing Sister Sarah's grandfather Brother Arvide Abernathy) sang the haunting "More I cannot Give You" quite beautifully and brought the auditorium to a standstill and the rotund and impressive sounding Susannah Van Den Berg brought the house down playing a scene filling Cuban air hostess who actually says nothing!

Rosie Jenkins as Miss Adelaide and Ben Fox as Nathan Detroit
Having said this, I loved the set and staging too (Libby Watson)..... without any breaks in the production the action and music flowed at a joyful and cracking pace.......and the standing ovation from the Welsh audience at the end was pretty impressive to say the least!
Anyhow enough of this back slapping, tonight I am off to work....bummer!


  1. May your evening go smoothly and quickly and may you have a lovey weekend!

  2. That was supposed to say "lovely" but I guess "lovey" works as well...


  3. How ungracious to refer to your readers as "bummers"! I am not and never have been a "bummer" old chap!

  4. What a great way to 'get ya motivated' to go to work! Sounds like it was really good John.

  5. Sounds like it was divine! So glad that you enjoyed your Guys & Dolls treat!!

  6. I am glad you enjoyed it so much. I am a little confused over the word "stonker".

  7. Anonymous2:26 am

    Looked up "stonker" and rechecked the meaning of "bummer" and I'm OK in the understanding department! The production of "Guys and Dolls" sounds like it was a good one! Have only ever seen the movie, years ago! Sorry you had to go off to work...hope it went well...with no major headaches!

  8. "Sit down you're rocking the boat ..." I have fond memories of Stubby Kaye belting this out this showstopper in the movie.

    I hope you have a good shift at work - not too many dramas!

  9. The man in the photo could be a shaved you, John. A silent Cuban air-hostess who fills the scene? This I must see. Cubana Airlines used to be the most accident-prone in the world.

  10. Nancy: ta!
    PUD: I would never refer to you as a bummer ! a wanker perhaps? ,, but not a
    Theanne and Baron: forgive the slang!!!
    Tom: you would have loved her all cleavage and attitude
    Judith, Jim, Sharon,cassie
    have a good weekend

  11. I love musicals myself! Glad you enjoyed your treat!

  12. Ahhh, I'm jealous! I love musicals and try to go every chance I get. This is not one of my favorites but great nonetheless...
    thanks for sharing!

  13. wow, I feel like for a tiny moment I have risen to what you call entertainment. Tiny moment. Went to our local theatre last night to see Crimes of the Heart. Small town, a local cast of country folk, some forgot their lines, ended up with a cake fight on stage...good times.

  14. I love a great musical - one of lifes greatest pleasures for me and my daughter. x

  15. Sounds great!

    I loved working on this musical when i was in high school.

    We had a brilliant student named Ross who did the lighting; for the floating crap game scene in the sewer, Ross suggested we do it in black lights. All the gamblers wore white ties, and some had white bands on their fedoras. The art director made a huge pair of black dice with white dots, so the dots glowed as they were rolled whilst the song was sung.

    Our lead who played Sky Masterson was not a singer by any stretch. For that scene, the music director decided it was best to have nearly every gambler take a line or two of the song, which was also highly effective. Each of them wanted Luck to be a lady with them, and they passed the big dice as they rolled and sang.

    sounds like such a fun evening!



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