Burlesque Therapy

I knew I was more upset about Andrew than I would care to admit, when I decided to take myself down to Prestatyn for a scala cinema special film club showing of the French movie On Tour.
Movies , for me have always provided a sort of security blanket , a panacea to all ills as it were, and for 40 years they have cushioned me from those real life upsets that rear their ugly heads from time to time, and as we know real life can sometimes be somewhat .....well too real, to be coped with.

So tonight I needed that fantasy two hour fix.....and I could have not chosen a better film to take me out of myself. On Tour is a kind of loose,often vibrant and rather compelling road movie, where a faded theatre producer Joachim Zand (Mathieu Amalric ) leads a rag tag group of American Burlesque artists around the more seedier theatres of the French Harbour Towns. He is a volatile divorcee that craves for former successes; they are voluptuous, resilient, full figured women who possess clear self worth and a historic pride in the artistic merit of  real American Burlesque and the film chronicles a few days in the life of their comback tour. 

The women laugh their way through hotel after hotel with valiant good humour whilst Zand has to cope with realisation of their situation, his estranged children, and a potential relationship with the blowzy lead artist Mimi Le Meaux (the statuesque  Miranda Colclasure )......Amalric, is quite hypnotic as the contradiction that is Zand. As actor and director he gives us tiny but vital scenes that underline just how charismatic Zand was in his former career ( the best example is were he flirts with a petrol station attendant and is suddenly transformed into a romantic and sexy leading man)...and the audience warms to this sometime abrasive character who wants to live his dream all over again.

The film is incredibly funny at times and always celebrates ( but never pokes fun at) the women performers who despite their cellulite, advancing years and overly rounded figures prove themselves to be rather impressive and talented artists! ( I especially loved the rotund lady who pulled several yards of American ribbon out of her bum hole!!!- which she spun around her like an Olympic gymnast!)

The therapy helped

My brother was transferred to a ward this afternoon. I will go and see him tomorrow. Thank you for your supportive comments here on the blog. Much appreciated


  1. Hey, whatever works for you John! Thanks for the review....should be a 'syndicated' critic by the way, sure you'd have, or find, the time!!
    We are all thinking of Andrew.

  2. Really enjoy your movie reviews. :)
    As Jim said, we are all thinking of Andrew. Please keep us up to date how he is doing.

  3. When I get too much in my own head and the flurry of activity is overwheming, movies are the only thing that take my mind off things and I can focus on something else for at least an hour and a half. You'd probably think the current Burlesque was mindless, probably calling Christine A. a silly tart.. but it is a good, fun diversion and good music. Hang in there.

  4. Very good Barry Norman but where are the turkeys and the ducks? I bet you have the ability to bring some genuine cheer into your brother's life. Please say hello to him from all your blog buddies!

  5. pud..my brother is a bit of a heavy rocker and probably thinks that a chicken is only good for eating!
    I will pass on everyones good thoughts...they mean a great deal to me=thank you

  6. We are kindred spirits, I believe, because I do the same thing when life is too overwhelming by heading to the movie theater. I love independent films the most because those are the ones that are "off the radar" and are artsy at best. I do have a curiosity for burlesque and have not yet made it to see the American "Burlesque" film starring Cher but I will be going sooner than later now that you've added some extra encouragement.
    Thank you for becoming one of my newest followers! I appreciate your interest in my blog!
    By the way, today is my 1st blogoversary and I cannot believe I've been blogging for a year so do come by to see what I am giving away in honor of 1 yrs worth of writing!

  7. Oh John, I missed your last post, so I just read about Andrew. I am so sorry. I am thinking of you and Andrew and Janet and all of your family.

  8. We take it where we can find it...holding you and yours in my heart.
    Thanks for the romantic movie review...as always more than entertaining!

  9. I do not want to sound redundant, but my thoughts are with Andrew and the whole family. I'm glad you got out and had a diversion for a bit.


  10. John, I'm glad you posted again--I've been thinking about you and your family today and glad that the news is good and I'm glad you had a break! Take care and know that I continue to send prayers in your direction!

  11. Glad to read that Andrew is doing better, I'd say it's all the excellent good care and attention, oh and just plain determination too !
    Those are some healthy looking ladies :)

  12. Well that did sound like fun...I wouldn;t mind seeing that right now. I am happy that your brother is returning home shortly. Sometimes when the immediate crisis has passed, it hits you hard afterwards. Glad you had a good chuckle with the burlesque.

  13. Andrew & the family are still in my prayers.

    I think I'll pass on the movie...


  14. I'm glad Andrew is out on a ward, I hope he recovers quickly and gets home soon. That film sounds fun - now I know what to do with all the ribbon I bought on Barnsley Market the other week!!! xxxx


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