We Walk The Same Line

The needlepoint on the cottage wall
I am writing this entry at 01.40 in the morning but wont post this entry until later. I have downed too many cups of coffee over the past few hours and I am sure I won't sleep until a significant amount of caffeine has been peed out of my system!...so it is time to pass the time typing this whilst watching "Road Wars" on Sky

I have been sat in my own Intensive care unit with my sister in law for the last hour or so. My brother suffered a particularity nasty stridor attack last night and after being admitted to A&E  was taken straight to theatre to have a surgical tracheostomy. Everything went routinely and when we left him, he was stable, sedated and ventilated surrounded by a group of nurses and doctors I know, trust and respect.

I know the procedure was necessary, and I am glad it was finally carried out.....I was also glad I could be there to support my sister in law who has shown remarkable strength of character over this entire nightmare period, as my brother's Motor Neurone disease tightens some of its nastier symptoms.   

It was weird seeing him lying in a bed space that I often work in, but I thank god that I was in a position to do it. I scanned the monitors and the ventilator screen, mentally ticking off the satisfactory readings, and by doing so I felt immediately better. How awfully frightening it must be if you are the next of kin of someone in intensive care and you HAVEN'T got a clue what is actually going on.....

I am on holiday this week which is for the best and as sod's law would have it my best friend Hazel is looking after Andrew this morning which is a load off my mind...he hopefully should be transferred out of intensive care today 


  1. I'm so sorry to hear this...love to you all. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Sorry to hear the bad news. I hope he feels more comfortable soon

  3. Hope he feels more comfortable afterwards John. Thinking about you and your family. xxxxx

  4. I hope with all my heart that your brother gets better, I will be sending my get well thoughts to him.
    What a horrible disease this is, and such an ordeal for your sister in law. Sometimes it is worse to have to sit and watch than to have an illness yourself.
    Blessings to you and your family.

  5. Lots of healing light being sent you and your family's way John. This is hard.

  6. I'm really sorry to hear that, John. Good luck to all of you.

  7. All my best wishes are going to you and Andrew.
    And as how next of kin get through without a clue about what is going on, I remember it was with the help of wonderful nurses like you.

  8. SOrry to hear this. :( Healing thoughts coming across the ocean for your brother!

  9. So sad to hear this but your medical knowledge has made it easier for those who do not know...thank you.

  10. Sorry to hear the bad news. My thoughts are with you all.

  11. It must be a great comfort to your sister and brother in law to have you with them. What a great stress for all of us.

    I am wishing him a good recovery and to be out of ICU asap.

  12. I am sure it was a great comfort to your Sister in Law to have someone with your practical experience to lean on.

    Sorry for your sad and stressful night - that you were there for your family speaks volumes for your character and heart.

  13. John, I'm sorry to hear this, but am glad he's in good hands and receiving good care. I will keep your brother in my prayers for him to regain his strength, and for you and your family to find comfort...Please let us know how it's going.

  14. You are a blessing to your brother and his wife John, take care of yourself too.
    Wishing him lots of healing love.

  15. So sorry to hear this - hope for strength for all of you! Luckily, you can help your sister-in-law if she has questions about what's going on. Sometimes one feels helpless and doesn't even know what to ask.

  16. Your brother is blessed to be surrounded by so much love and such excellent care. My prayers are with your family.

  17. I'm so sorry to hear this, John. I will certainly join those praying that he is more comfortable soon. I would bet that he and your SIL are glad that there is someone like you around, who can interpret all of the medical stuff and keep them informed.

  18. I'm sorry to read of this, I hope Andrew will soon be feeling better.
    I'll be wearing my red armband at work today, in support of the cause.
    Hugs to you all,

  19. It is interesting how our knowledge can be a source of frustration and stress at one moment - and then a comfort the next. I am not a medical man, but I have a lot of experience of the outdoors, of rescue and survival, and of seeing tragedy there too. I find I have the ability (?) to assess situations calmly, to turn off the emotions for a moment and turn to the practical- not sure if it is a good or bad thing. Once my son had a bad head accident; I was in sort of trance, entirely focused on practical things, as I raced him to hospital blood pouring from his ear... worst night of my life. Later I broke down; took we weeks to recover even though by then he was fine.

    Hope all is as well as can be.

  20. I'm so sorry for your brother's struggle. Best thoughts and prayers going out to you all.

  21. I'm so sorry to hear that John. I wish Andrew well.

  22. Our lot in life has been chosen... yours is to take care of people and things... and you do it well

  23. If I had someone in Intensive Care I would be so happy to know that you were the one that would take care of that someone.
    Glad you are able to be there for your brother.. and sister-in-law.
    Have a great holiday..ta ta for now from Iowa..
    (you know when you are on a holiday it will confuse the dogs and chickens.. They aren't used to you being home.)
    ta ta for now from Iowa

  24. Hi John,
    I'm sorry to hear about your brother Andrew. It must be a relief to your sister in law to know he's well taken care of by yourself and now your best friend. I hope it won't be long until he is well enough to go home again. Enjoy your time off as best you can.
    I'll be thinking of you and hoping that all is going well.
    Maura X

  25. I hope you got much needed rest, worrying about a loved one takes it's toll on everyone. Prayers to brother.

  26. If you had to find a blessing in all this, it would definitely be that you are so knowledgable and could be there with your brother and SIL. Sending warm, healing thoughts to all of you.

    Nancy in Iowa

  27. Sending you blessings of love and peace, and also to your brother and his family. It must be hard seeing him in that hospital bed, and I hope he is on the up soon.

  28. My thoughts and prayers are being sent to Andrew and your whole family. I am glad that you can translate for the rest of your family and especially his wife, just what is going on. It does help that a good friend is caring for him now.


  29. So sorry to hear of this John. I'm sure your presence was also appreciated by your brother and sister-in-law. Thinking of you.


  30. I hope you got some sleep after all that coffee and such a stressful day. Hugs and best wishes to you, your brother and SIL.

  31. John, we are sending you and your family all the best wishes we can muster from the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia.

  32. Yes...Jim said it succinctly.

  33. Love and prayers to you and your family. HUGS! Kate

  34. I pray things progress well for you all. *hugs* ♥

  35. Keep strong, I can empathise with your situation my Dad suffered a massive stroke on 24th Jan last year and spent 2 days in ITU at the hospital I work in. I was so impressed with the care they gave him and my family during his last few days with us. Hoping things get better for your brother, Jane

  36. Im sorry to hear about your brother and what he is going through. Thankful for the comfort of knowing he is being well looked after..
    Love the needlepoint and the meaning..

  37. So sorry John. I know how it is to be the medical family member and knowing more than you may want to know during a time like this. Sending you all green lights from WV.
    Amy xoxo

  38. i loved the embroidered message and it is so true john. your brother will pull out of this setback. he seems to be surrounded with such good souls and caring people. i will pray for his recovery and for his loved ones to be able to breath a sigh of relief. you are not alone and you have so many blogging friends who are pulling for you and your brother!

  39. Sending all my prayers your way.
    :O( Take care of all of you and yourself.


  40. I'm so sorry to hear this John but relieved that Andrew has received excellent care. Huge get well wishes for Andrew♥ Special thoughts and hugs for Jayne♥ Linda xxx

  41. Thank you all for your kind wishes
    for me, jayne and andrew
    we appreciate them all, believe me

  42. Just popping back to say my heart has been with you all day. I hope you are getting some rest now.

  43. Hi John, I hope things improve for him soon. I'm sure he is in good hands.

  44. I'm so sorry to hear your bad news John. My thoughts are with you all.

  45. I'm sorry to hear about your brother, and am sending healing thoughts to him to get well.


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