Just when you thought..........

......that you could not possibly think of something to blog about on this dark and dismal autumn day, you experience the surreal kind of of conversation that kind of lingers in the mind.

Beryl an elderly neighbour of ours, braved the blustery rain at teatime to pay me for some eggs that I had left for her yesterday. She is a little unsteady on her feet, so I offered her my arm and guided her back up the lane to her car and as we walked she said brightly
"  I had an xray the other day and the doctor told me I had a foreign body lodged inside my pelvis!"
"Really!" I said.... ever slightly at a loss of what to say
"I know what it is",she continued laughing to herself " I rolled onto a needle during the war"



  1. dear Lord.
    Why does it always happen to you? I mean, the old ladies with their sayings?
    Too classic is what it is.

  2. Sounds like a euphemism to me, John.

  3. At least the foreign body wasn't a baby! :-)

  4. Beryls on her early eighties Kim!
    I do hope not
    Tom...you are creeping towards sid James' territory again

    Polly...your last blog entry was amazingly moving

  5. Aren't old ladies.... fun, John?


  6. God Bless her ;)
    She knew exactly what it was, and had carried around with her some forty odd years...
    I could say something very "English" and funny, but I'd best keep that little thought to myself.
    I think you are a comfortable man to share things with John, and well, you know the English, we like to have an everyday jangle.
    So sweet !

  7. Hhmm, make that sixty something year ago ;)

  8. you ARE sharon
    tee hee

  9. Well have to say I wasn't expecting that explanation!

    Thanks for the chuckle.....


  10. I guess Beryl got the point of it during the war? LOL!

    Sunrise at 6.17 am, beautiful clear blue sky, currently 9C with a top of 22C forecasted. I cut the grass yesterday, had the Gypsy roof painters in to recoat my roof with Aluminium rust proof paint.

    Spring has finally sprung. Sat with my neighbours on their front verandah until 7.30 sunset yesterday.

  11. I love the older ones !!

  12. You just have to love eldery people, do you not! :O)...

  13. Oh, my! Well, it does make for... interesting conversation! ;)


  14. Hello John,
    Old people are so interesting...this one is a sweetheart. You asked where the stone cottage was today...you didn't say which one but I think it was the one I was referring too. The answer is ...I don't know where that cottage is located...the web site didn't say. I too would like to know though...it's a beauty. Have a great Wednesday..
    Maura :)

  15. Rolled onto a needle? During the war? I don't even understand that. In any case, that needle has been there a long time!

  16. My goodness!
    Hope you have a wonderful Thursday.

  17. You couldn't make it up! xx

  18. She just HAD to tell somebody. Now to get the story John....see what you can do. Don't just leave us hanging......

  19. apparantly she did roll onto a needle when she was little ! and THAT needle IS located in her pelvis!!!!


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