Don't Mess With This Teacher!

Don't Mess With This Teacher!

she is my hero( click on the above link)
It reminds me of my Chris when he was lecturing years ago. One student let their phone ring and answered it and Chris slowly folded up his books and papers and walked  quietly out of the lecture theatre


  1. Thats the way to do it! I bet he won't forget that lesson in a hurry.

  2. I did the post about the potatoes for you, sorry I was a bit late but I went and fell sleep last night.

  3. Evidently she means it!

  4. It's exactly the sort of impact I like to have on my students!

    My favourite was the one who I found booking train tickets to Birmingham in the middle of the lecture. I stopped what we were doing and helped him find the best deal before carrying on. Never seen anybody look so embarrassed - but at least he got cheap rail travel for his shame!

  5. Ha! Well it seems like the least you should expect if you're rude enough to answer the phone in the middle of a class! Good on her.

  6. YES! Maybe if more teachers were like this they'd have less problems with students in class. Good for her! I hope you're having a wonderful day John...
    Maura :)

  7. Right on teach! Without sounding too too ancient, if more teachers would have the 'balls' to do know the rest.

  8. That is awesome!
    And the link to the video was awesome, too! haha. Thanks for sharing it. :)

  9. Anonymous3:46 pm

    That sounds like something a Scottie would do. Doesn't it?

    Roo Roo, Stuart

  10. Nothing to do with this post - but just to tell you that I watched the Snowdonia 1890 show on Sunday and Monday - what did you think about it? You can imagine how difficult it would have been to live at that time.

  11. and don't you just love how it doesn't even phase her? She trashes the phone and keeps teaching like nothing it. I really thought she was going to whap him over the head.

  12. I'm with Polly; I love the way she calmly goes right back to teaching, like nothing ever happened!

  13. Anonymous4:56 am

    I can't stop laughing... I think that student was really scared. I was scared!! I infinitely prefer Chris's approach. Not only is it more dignified, it also rallies the other students to monitor each other and make sure it doesn't happen again.

    I can't BELIEVE that student not only answered his phone but actually started talking on it. In the front row!! What was he thinking?


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