Cottage History

 Arfon and Della from Pen-y-Cefn Isa farm let borrow an old photo of Arfon as a child. Now I am not in the habit of collecting vintage photos of the neighbours but I was grateful to scan this one as it showed just a glimpse of our cottage's old back door circa 1959.
Arfon's Uncle and Aunt lived in our cottage for many, many years, and originally the main back door of the cottage opened directly onto the street. Our Kitchen window is where the old door was situated (you can see the outline clearly) and behind the cottage (where our kitchen extension now lies) used to be a small byre for a few cattle!
I told you I wanted to find out a little more about our home..... Arfon and his baggy shorts is certainly a start


  1. A good start in your search John. Keep digging, I'm sure there is more out there. Is that snow I see?

  2. How neat--can't wait to learn more :)

  3. Great start! Do you have district or county records from like the census? I am really not talking gibberish. I just don't know if they kept accounts somewhere as to who lived there. You now have a name to work backward from, good luck in your search!

  4. Sadly, we have photos of family events, but they were never labeled, and people moved/died/tore down things, so that kind of picture would be greatly valued by yours truly! Onward to more history!


  5. What about church records as a source?

  6. Property history is always interesting. Every building has some kind of story behind it.

  7. Neat photo. Hope you get a lot more info about your cottage. Love the stone work walls. I enjoyed reading your village history sites online and got to wondering if there are any old drawings around in the local museum that might show your cottage. I remember reading that people used to fill sketch books as a pastime.

  8. Can't wait to see what you dig up! This is so much fun. Peace
    ps i left a comment, it wasn't posted, i hope i didn't offend anyone

  9. I hope you find out more. I know a lot about our house - I'll post about it - thanks for the idea !

  10. Researching and finding the history of the house you live in was always an exciting thing I loved to do. Sadly, the house I live in now was built in 1992 and I know who built it and even who sold the land to the former owners.

    Have fun with collecting your bits and pieces of history of your home.

  11. That is just fantastic. I enjoy peeling back layers to find out what things looked like before. You are so lucky you have a relative nearby to fill in some of the clues. Have fun finding out more and keep us posted, dear man! xoxo

  12. Learning more about your home is always fascinating, and you're off to a good start. It should be fun, digging through all the history and finding out about all the people who have loved your home before you.

  13. Isn't Arfon just the cutest in his baggy britches?! For some reason I'm remembering that the door once served as entrance to a pub??

  14. it is fun finding out the history of your house....



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