
Winnie, Jo and Harry Secombe  worry the new Indian Runner ducklings
 Finally amid much screaming, adolescent quacking and flinging of watery poo from hysterical webbed feet, the runner ducklings have been wrestled to the ground from the safety of their shed and  in frantic groups of twos and three, they have been transferred to their outdoor run. The move has completely unhinged the field's magpie ducks and geese, who have spent the entire morning gazing intently at the babies through the chicken wire. Tentatively  Winnie and the drake (Who I have now nicknamed Harry Secombe) seem just a little obsessed with the new arrivals and I have been amused to watch them push their beaks into the covered run, in order to contact the runners, who true to form have spent most of their time running in circles screaming their vacuous heads off!!!!!

I wonder what Dan has let himself in for


  1. I see the ducklings are still sticking close to each other! When IS Dan going to come and get his frantic group? You've practically got them raised! Looking good!

    Jo has become quite a pretty goose!

    I hope the rest of your day goes well!

  2. Those ducklings and your geese are so pretty. I love your stories about them. Your stories always make me laugh...I love the way you write :)

  3. So just run it past me again - how stupid are animals?

  4. sarcasm Bel.....

    some people know do the "oddest " of things too!!!!!
    and they are supposed to have brains

  5. John, I've decided that those runner ducks need some therapy! They're as nervous as "a long-tailed dog in a room full of rocking chairs!" :-))

  6. Anonymous6:38 am

    What a scene! I have to laugh at the geese just staring. It reminds me of a dog we once had. Our daughter had a pet rat which was kept in a back bedroom with the door closed. This dog (lab/shepherd mix) would sit outside the door for eight to ten hours a day just staring at it and listening for the rat's movements inside. This went on for weeks before she finally lost interest! Sometimes I wish I could pop into these animals' heads and hear what they're thinking.

  7. That's a great photo of Winnie and Harry S watching the youngsters.


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