Cucurrucucu Paloma

Now I know absolutely nothing about Spanish music. I have a smattering of knowledge about Spanish Cinema but that is about it when it comes to the arts of a country I have perhaps visited two dozen times.

Last night whilst Chris was indulging himself with the period drama Downton Abbey ( I am sure he was hoping to see the sexy footman snog the even sexier Duke again!), I contented myself with a gallop through youtube!

This is a wonderfully delicate song by Caetano Veloso from the movie Talk To Her....I had forgotten just how intricate and beautiful it is..............

I love YOUTUBE. I really cannot be bothered with the happyslappy or overtly silly! but I do absolutely love those rare little clips from the more obscure movies that nearly everyone else (with the exception of those like minded geeks) have forgotten


  1. Great clip from probably my favourite Almodovar film.

    However, you *should* be watching DOWNTON ABBEY ... just in case Mr. Charlie Cox crops up again. ;)

  2. Talk to Her is one of my favourite films ever...almost as good as Bad Education.

    Hate Downtown Abbey - silly costume drama for morons!

  3. Loving the lavish Downton Abbey - Gorgeous tune. xxxx

  4. Satellite is iffy this morning, so didn't get to see....

    Have a lovely day!

  5. Bel...I think Moron was a bit rude, seeing that Chris has enjoyed the series so far!

  6. History for people who think that the ghastly Titanic was an accurate depiction of life on board ship in 1912.

    Even Maggie Smith can't save this one. The childish plot and dialogue have all the nuance and subtlety of Dynasty (lady of the house joins parlour maid in removing a naked corpse from one bed to another!!!) and the acting is quite frankly not even up to the standard of third rate rep.

    It is to the post-Edwardian era what Heartbeat was to the 1960s policing - and just as dim-witted!

    Rude my dear? I thought you always liked people to be honest...

  7. Sweet voice indeed! Nice way to end the day. Thanks.

  8. Anonymous5:05 am

    Beautiful...thanks so much.

  9. hmmm. Not my cup of tea, but then what do you expect from a former head banger?! (I always like when you feature classical music though,as I've never lost my love of that.)

  10. Blimey. That guy can really tease your senses, I wish I could sing like that (if I start singing, I am usually thrown out of whatever hostellery I was in at the time.) I live in Africa and it is damn hot but it still sent shivers down my spine.


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