Tea, cakes and drugs

I was looking forward to a rainy afternoon in front of a good movie. After an hour's sleep I drove down to the video shop in Prestatyn, picked out a movie and then walked the dogs.

When I go home Chris was waving frantically by the back door! "what now" I thought to myself, before he informed me that some very distant cousins of his, were stopping by on a flying visit.

There is nothing worse that trying to get your house in order without warning....we've all done it....and it is exhausting....I broke the speed limit and shot up to the garage shop for sickly cakes and posh biscuits ( they didn't sell napkins!!!) whist Chris ran amok with a toilet brush and the hoover! One or two squirts with an air freshener and a flick round with a duster and I was almost ready for small talk, tea making and being "the hostess with the mostess"......not easy when you look like a bus had run over your face eh?

The couple stayed part of the afternoon. William got frantically excited over their Yorkshire Terrier ( he had never seen a dog the size of a peanut before!) and he promptly peed all over the floorboards in the bedroom (I dare not think if any pee slipped in between the gaps in the ancient floorboards)....but the tea was all drunk and the cake eaten and everyone seemed happy enough.

Last night was a busy shift....and I actually learnt something new and potentially rather shocking about the "fight against drug crime" here along the North Wales Coast..........I know that addicts that are addicted to heroin can be treated with the likes of methadone, but I learnt that users that inject narcotics can and are being offered Naloxone injections in case of "accidental" opiate overdose. Naloxone counteracts the effects of say heroin over dosage and is used regularly within health care settings.......its usage by the drug users themselves raised an interesting ethical debate amongst the nurses on duty last night........ I will give the subject some more thought when I am more awake..but the whole policy does leave a somewhat bitter taste in my mouth


  1. What a lovely presentation. I am very sure they enjoyed it thoroughly!!
    Amy at Verde Farm

  2. Your posts well 99% of your posts make me laugh, I can just picture it, you should write a comedy series I for one would watch it.

  3. Your life should be made into a sitcom. I'm flying over for tea!

  4. I wish I lived near by and could drop in for some tea with my dogs xxxxxxxxx you have a fascinating life xx froogs xxx

  5. If people drop in unexpectedly on me, they just have to live with the cat hair floating around the place, and the dust on everything (I hate dusting). You did a wonderful job of putting things together for a lovely visit.

  6. What a wonderful table setting i hope the vase of Dalia's was still looking fresh for your visitors.

  7. stock photo I am afraid!!!

  8. For work the other day, I had to take a drug & alcohol refresher course, the instructor told us that heroine users sometimes drop heroine into their eyeballs, to avoid track marks.

    I've been using a lot of eye drops to recover from the cataract operations, so the subject matter hit home.

  9. Oh John! How many times were we in the same boat. Actually we can give the house a pretty good 'clean up' in about 20 minutes.....no one ever knows the difference! Except that Ron and I are panting and Sophie is so hyped-up she doesn't know what got into us. We figure the trick is to have regular company....then the place is always clean.
    I think I have a painting more to your liking and I think it's Art Deco....you tell me. I'll email a pic to you.

  10. joanna..I feel sick at the thought!
    jim that would be cool!

  11. The way I see it, company that "drops by" get exactly what they have coming - which is usually me at my worst.

    That drug thing... are you saying they are giving this for self administration - like whenever?

  12. I'm sure your company would be charmed, no matter what the state of the cottage was.
    I don't understand the drug issue - I don't know what Naloxone is. Is it a case of substituting one awful drug for another awful drug?

  13. First, a warm comment - your tea set looks absolutley beautiful, is it staffordshire china?

    Secondly - my weekly rant - Nalaxone, imho it should be taken out of the ambulances and restricted to use by an intensivist MO in Emergency who makes the call on whether to use it or not.

    Put heroin on street corners in baskets just high enough to stop "innocents" from accidently accessing it. Let them use it to their hearts content, OD and die - think of the cost savings on the national health accounts and money that could be better directed towards treating disease.

    Heroin addiction, imho, is a 'social illness' and not a health problem.

  14. Hello John!
    Oh my I've had that happen to me in the past too and boy does it ever show you what kind of shape your in. It's amazing how fast we can clean when we're FORCED to isn't it! I can just picture you and Chris running all over the house trying to make things look nice for the company ...poor boys. I'm glad it all worked out well. Enjoy your week! Maura :)

  15. terry
    naloxone is a drug usuallyused by doctors to reverse the narcotic effects of say morphine or heroin....it is usuallyused in an emergency to resus a patient they their breather rate reduces to almost mothing......

    what the system is effectively doing is providing this drug incase the user overdoses and a friend, other drug user can save the drug users life effectively....

  16. If my mum still lived on Anglesey, I'd bring her over for tea !

    Dillon peed all over the floor at the vet's - he'd already trodden blood all over their entrance hall & broken his collar ! What a drama queen ! Stitches out today & he has a new strong collar.
    Interesting and alarming about the drugs.

  17. If that is what you are serving for afternoon tea on a rainy afternoon, well I'm there!!!

  18. Anonymous1:10 pm

    Naloxone distributed to addicts--protection or enabling? Interesting ethical gray area, John. I understand the short term benefits, saving lives, but I wonder what the longer term consequences will be? Will it wind up doing more harm (to rates of addiction, health care costs, recovery rates for addicts) than good overall?

    Well, you and Chris are pretty fabulous hosts. I'm with Frugal Life UK...I'd love to drop in on you guys!

  19. I love unexpected company, but I do enjoy at least an hour's notice so i can do proper pet hair removal and a little floor board dusting, too.
    I always keep ingredients on hand for my peanut butter and chocolate cookies, used to do the same with my pineapple cheese casserole.
    We are lucky that all our bedrooms are in the back of the house, and the front I usually keep semi-proper most of the time.


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