Mad As A Box Of Frogs

The second video is an update for Dan....His ducklings are doing very well indeed...........buxom, healthy and bloody girly!


  1. They sure are growing! I just love them, too cute, for sure!

  2. They are precious. The walk to wherever you took them looked so pretty with flowers and such. It amazes me how quickly our ducks grow too--it takes no time at all ~:>
    Amy at Verde Farm

  3. What a noisy little bunch. So cute!

  4. They are cute as anything, and very, very noisy. Will they stay all different colors when they grow up?

    Funny, I have never heard the expression "mad as a box of frogs." There is a quite similar, and not complimentary one I have heard " dumb as a box of rocks." Sigh, I said that to my old gelding a time or two. Mainly when he was standing on my foot and wouldn't get off. Said a few other things, too.

  5. Hey John!! Still at work and seeing this video has given my co-worker Monica and I a good grin for the afternoon--We don't have sound on this computer, so we have no idea just what "the girls" are saying to you, so we have just added our own words! :-)))

  6. Amazing that they can grow up to be dignified and serene swanning around in a pond. Well the ducks I've seen were calm and quiet out on a lake. Now the geese were another story... they acted like these little fellows and chased us down the path. Geese are scary.

  7. Gorgeously amusing - I love that little black duck!

  8. The black one with the white vest - its going to be high on the pecking order!

  9. Trade you two kittens for some ducklings?

  10. LOL!

    What a nice brooder you have those little lovelies in!

    I've also never heard 'mad as a box of frog" but it sure is charming when you say it.


  11. the black duckling hatched first and takes after his father

  12. Hahahaha! Thye are so cute, but what a racket. :) Squirmy little things.

  13. They sure are cute John...loved the video. They sure are a noisy bunch ducks ever settle down? I'm thinking of getting some maybe next year. Hope you're having a nice day.
    Maura :)


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