Maddie 2003-2010

Chris finally got to Prestatyn at 11am. I took him home and he promptly went to bed. With Sorrel coming tomorrow for a visit, I got on with sorting the cottage out and bought in a few items that she needed. I also picked up Maddie's headstone from the engravers and placed it carefully onto her grave, which is located next to my first allotment on the field.
Surrounded by the hens , geese and one of the serious looking turkey hens, I took a moment to sit next to the simple headstone and remember our loyal, grumpy old Scottie who was so much part of our lives since 2003.
With Winnie nibbling gently at my wellingtons, and with a light rain starting to fall, I shed a few all-too-late tears for a dog that had dug herself so gently into my heart


  1. John, again, I'm so sorry for the loss of your precious girl...

  2. Many goat kisses to you!

  3. Oh dear man, I again send you hugs. When they leave us a piece of our heart goes with them. Love the headstone, simple and elegant.

    And now a confession. I was unable to locate a mug for you in NYC.....none fit the bill. Maybe next trip?? xoxoxo

  4. {{Hugs}}
    She would have approved of the headstone, simple and heartfelt.
    She has left you with many memories, she will forever be carried in little corner of your heart.

  5. Aww're such a wonderful soft hearted fellow and a great writer to boot. This is why I love your blog so much. Maddie was a lucky girl to have two people who loved her so much. That's a lovely headstone for your precious girl. I hope today is a good one. Maura :)

  6. Yes, dogs will do that John. I still can't 'part' with our previous dog's ashes (Jessie).

  7. Nice headstone for the Maddie Girl, I'm shedding a few tears, myself for both of you.


  8. Nice headstone, she's got a peaceful resting place there.

  9. Beautiful headstone for Maddie. She will forever be in your heart.
    Darn it, you made me tear up! :) Hugs.

  10. A lovely grave, close to all she loved. Hugs to you, John.

  11. Ah, bless you John. It is really sad when you loose a pet isn't it. Afterall, they are like a member of the family. I still have my cat Muffin's ashes - and she died 5 years ago. Still can't part with them and often move them spots that she liked to sleep in. S x

  12. I once arrived at Prestatyn at around 11am - I'd walked there from Chepstow. I know how you feel about the doggie, its very hard.

  13. Good memories will always warm the heart. She will always be close.

  14. Hugs to you, friend. The loss of a friend is a loss, no matter if it is 2 or 4 footed... The headstone is nice. Thinking good thoughts for you.


  15. John, I am sorry to read of your loss. There is no love like dog love, but especially Scotty love.

  16. A most suitable headstone for your dear, departed companion. You're a dear one.x-c

  17. Love is all there is . . . and all that remains forever! peace

  18. That is so wonderful you got Maddie a headstone.

    We have discussed our situation with our Kota (Boxer doggy)he is not so well and getting very old for a Boxer. We know his time is limited. We have decided to bury him in a wooden box in the woods. He will like that. I think I shall make him a headstone as well.

    Bless your heart, loosing a furry doggy friend is so very hard. My first Boxer "Major", my soul mate in fur. I didn't think I would ever get over loosing him. Still miss him greatly, but can think of him now and smile rather than cry.

  19. Oh John, So very sorry for your loss. I know how much our dogs mean to us and I am sure she was just a great dog. Sweet headstone to remember her always!
    Amy at Verde Farm

  20. oh, darling Maddie. I bet you felt like you lost her all over again...I have started several times to plant a tree over MoJo's grave and just can't quite yet. Makes it all too real that she is gone

  21. Hi John,
    It's never easy when they go, all we can do is keep em happy when they are with us, and remember them fondly and with a smile once they have gone.
    John W.


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