A night alone

I had to laugh at the pithy comment on show at the Pope's recent visit to the UK (above)I have been trolling the news websites this evening as Chris has been stranded up in Glasgow due to an unexpected cancellation of his flight but there is only so much you can flick through on a tiny netbook when your your eye sight is failing ( I need an eye test! another sign ( with my exercise intolerant flatulence)that I am getting older!)

Anyhow without Chris here, I have resorted to "single man" ish lifestyle evening! I have eaten fish finger sandwiches in my underpants, had a long gossipy telephone conversation with Nuala and am now just about to watch The Poseidon Adventure with the volume full blast


  1. It sounds to me like a night to remember!!

  2. that was the TITANIC movie!!!!

  3. Which was a lot better than the movie called "Titanic."

  4. Oh no! You're not going to have another depressing movie marathon, are you? Just remember, end with something uplifting!

  5. Sounds awful, sorry Chris couldn't get a flight!

  6. carol Lynley and her hot pants survive!!!!! hows that?
    tee hee

  7. Oh the life of a bachelor....for a night!

  8. Glad you're enjoying your evening John--You certainly know how to whoop it up when you're alone! I prefer to take a bubble bath!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Sorry about the deleted comment, I hit publish before I was finished writing...duh.
    Anyhow, I was thinking the fish fingers sandwich would be delicious, especially smothered in vinegar..
    Good choice on dress code and movie !

  11. I have too many "bachelor nights" up here. Can hardly wait 'til Patrick finally retires and is home all the time. Had to laugh at the phrasing of your fish finger sandwich sentence! My weird sense of humor made me envision you sitting in a giant pair of undies noshing on finger food. I never claimed to be normal!

  12. hmmmmm. I'm imagining the vision....Are they baggy y fronts? xxx

  13. Don't forget that you may be entitled to a free eye test - your employer will have a policy on this (under the Display Equipment Regulations). Worth enquiring, anyway. I receive a free one every three years.


  14. OMG, I loved The Poseidon Adventure when I was a kid... "THere's got to beeee a morning affffter!"

    Love the pope sign.

  15. Dude, what were you doing with fish finger sandwiches in your underpants?

  16. I love the original Poseidon movie. Will watch it everytime it is on the tv.
    Ah, the eyesight thing. Yup, me too. I've worn glasses since I was 17, but darned glasses aren't working very well these days!
    Now I have to find out what fish finger sandwiches are.


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