Eyes Wide Open

A gay movie centred around an ultra orthodox Jewish community??? hummmm perhaps I could almost see Tevya and Golde from Fiddler on the Roof worrying about the civil ceremonies of their four husky sons?...then again .......perhaps not.
Tonight Hazel and I went to see the film Eyes Wide Open (Einayim Petukhoth)

It was an interesting if not predictable love story between a married and devot Butcher Aaron
(Zohar Shtrauss) and his student apprentice Ezri (Ran Danker).

The passions of the flesh take over both men over the chopping boards (interestingly Aaron debates with his Rabbi "does sinning bring you closer to god?) and the story takes its inevitable turn when the "modesty squads" from the tight knit community flex their outraged muscles against the two men.
Both Hazel and I found the gay content of the movie much less interesting than the fascinating depiction of an oppressive and claustrophobic religion and community that we know very little about. .....I gave it an interesting but not uplifting 7/10- I think I would have enjoyed a pinker version of "Matchmaker Matchmaker" just a little more............


  1. The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.
    Friedrich Nietzsche

  2. "Beautiful Thing" is the type of movie I prefer. I always think of it when I hear Mama Cass sing on the oldies radio station.

  3. We are Jewish, and just like every religion there are extremists. The Orthodox Jews are just that. Extremists. We belong to a loving conservative Jewish Synagogue and community. They treat everybody the same, black-white, gay-straight. I did like the movie though. It was pretty moving. Like you said, it peers into a community we know very little about.

  4. mike thats what I found most interesting,it gave me a glimpse of another community I know nothing about
    thanks for posting

  5. You do point me in the direction of some interesting films that I have never heard of. xxx

  6. sound just like my blimmin' family!

  7. I lived in Israel for several years ( and can tell a tale or two ) but I never saw Nuffink like that in the Orthadox Quarter !


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