That's Life

I am finding myself writing a blog that mirrors that bloody awful 1970's tv series That's Life!
Yesterday I had a romp through the subject of grief and today I am going to concentrate on tap dancing ducklings and rude vegetables...
oh the black and white of the phenomenon of "Going Gently".
This morning the seven ducklings gave me a loud rendition of "There's no business like Show business!" when I went in to feed and clean them. There are two that are noticeable smaller than the others but all seem healthy and I can see no runts or weaklings.

Yesterday I spent a strangely hot day in the allotment. I dug up the first of the salad potatoes watched closely by the geese who pulled gently at my tee shirt when I was bent over the vegetable patch.They stood there with me for a good hour or so
As soon as I found this potato I immediately thought of fellow Blogger the smutty minded Tracey over at
I can't believe that I actually photographed it! But photograph it I did.... I suspect it will give her a laugh

The artichokes are growing beautifully in the bottom vegetable bed (I have never grown them before) I wonder if someone out there can tell me when I can actually tell when they are ripe and ready to eat?

and my chili plant is laden with ripening chillies

and let's not forget my marrows

From today I am back on weight watchers (I had difficulty cocking my leg over the pig fencing in the turkey run yesterday...and actually broke wind loudly when I did so!" (much to the shocked amusement of the postman who was on the other side of the hedge).....Being middle aged means that the odd extra piece of bread or added potato shoots directly onto my midriff and the battle of the bulge will now be a lifelong battle rather than a one off success at fat fighters!
......the only incentives I need, is to be in control of my flatulence in public! and to be able to cram my arse into my newest pair of combat pants!
tee hee.....and
hey ho


  1. Oh, I needed a laugh today very badly and you provided! Only you could unearth a potato like that and provide local entertainment for the mail man, all in one day!

    I was once browsing in a store where an elderly female customer repeteadly farted very loudly! I suspect that she was hard of hearing and thought that she passed a "silent one".

  2. Ooh, dear it's so early in the morning to be having fits of giggling, but here I sit doing just that !
    I've seen worse on the tater, but quite intriquing nevertheless, are they John Thomas variety ?
    The veggies look wonderful, a lot of hard work paying off there.
    Yes, be careful cocking your leg up and over anything, especially if there's an audience.
    Toot toot :)

  3. You made me spit my tea out!!!!! You are so funny. xxx

  4. Oh dear! You should have your own television show John! What fun at your place!

  5. Well I'm past combat pants - had enough of those 35 years ago - but I do not mind fitting into cargo pants that do not look like two potato sacks slung off my waist.

    Wind - well that becomes a problem with age and you learn what types of foods and sauces to avoid! Blurtttt!

  6. john I think I actually meant cargo pants......
    can't even get that right!!!

    elasticated waists are becomming more attractive by the day!

  7. John, your ducklings are really cute and have certainly grown!

    This growing old thing is really for the birds isn't it? At least for now you can still cock your leg over the fence and "only" break wind! ;-))

    By the way, someone on another blog I follow asked the same question and someone said that "you should pick them before the center opens out--the spreading of the lower petals is your warning. If you let the third tier of lower petals open, then the center is about 1-2 days behind them."

  8. Well if I haven't seen some "rude" vegetables this year on blogs ROFL.
    Had that gourd myself ROFL.

    Ya the whole weight thing just really stinks, no pun intended, :O)...

  9. It's just early here, but seems I turn the comp on as I head for the door to let Jill out. Of course, your blog is the first place I go.

    Waiting for a short clip of the "Dancing Ducklings" with sound....

    Looks like your veggie garden is paying off! Yes, that's a silly potato, I have had tomatoes like that. :-)

    My Dr says I am a CO2 retainer, but I really seldom have gas, I wonder where it goes? (Probably to my thighs)

    My DH eats too many chips and breads and his Dr has told him he is going to have a heart attack, he's supposed to be taking pills, but he still thinks he's immortal.

    I enjoyed your post this morning, as usual!

  10. Awww, thanks for thinking of me! Not very big is it???? At least you can still cock your leg......I can't! xxx

  11. Hmmm...I know this post was about many things but all I can really remember is that potato! Oh yeah...

    One of the benefits of getting old is being able to ..break wind when ever you feel like it!

  12. The ducklings are very cute. I just hope that they don't turn into a mob that chases you all over the yard, like the Easter ducklings that I got one year when I was little did. Worst summer of my life because I was afraid to set foot outside the door.

    As for cocking legs to get over anything, let's just say that I have been known to walk quite a distance, to find a gate.

  13. Tracey will certainly be amused by the tater. I have been trying my hand at the battle of the bulge, as well. I find myself doing sit ups once or twice a week. I'm not sure how that's gonna help, considering ice cream is a regular visitor to our freezer, but rarely stays very long. LOL Not to mention this new, easy recipe Mike's got for cheesecake.

  14. Hey Felicity, I mentioned you too in my latest post!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  15. My dear boy - I am considerably more middle aged than you but never fret about what I eat, never break wind in public...and never have trouble getting my leg over!

  16. Thanks for a good laugh!
    Yum, artichokes. I have no idea how to tell when they are ready, but don't be surprised if I show up on your doorstep with a small bowl of melted butter and a plate! :)
    Those ducklings are so cute.
    I wonder why is it when we are young we pass gas, then we can control it, then as we age, well, here it comes again. It's the unexpected ones that get ya' everytime.

  17. oh Bel.....

    the only difference between us , is that YOU are a LADY!!!

  18. Yes indeed, Tracey would be very proud of that tattie, it's right up her street....infact I think you should pop it in the post to her now! S x

  19. Yup...although I love watching the "Fabulous Beekman Boys" ...Your daily routine would be a Bigger hit in my opinion!! You really should be a Reality Show. Your a HOOT to read!!

  20. You are a bit nutty yourself friend!! You have me laughing. Please don't talk about losing weight, as I am here in Boston to eat 'til I'm sick. One of the main reasons I joined Patrick here!! Now I must catch up on your posts. x-c

  21. Anonymous6:36 pm

    "There's no business like Show business?" I'm with Sharon on this one...clip please!

    Love the potato, wow on the artichokes!, and good luck on the gas. I once spent a morning walking around town dragging an old pair of underwear tangled in a shoe buckle. A kind, elderly lady finally pulled me aside and pointed it out. Another time I hoisted a travel bag up on my shoulder and caught the hem of my dress. I walked clear across the Minneapolis airport with my bum on display and no one said a word. Of course it was young and firmer back then. Nowadays I'd probably draw a crowd begging me to pull my dress back down.

  22. no, really? That potato...
    thanks for the laughs.
    I can just picture you.
    And, those artichokes look DIVINE. I don't think we can grow them here in my part of the US.

  23. I hope you go back and read new comments on your older posts. I'm always dropping them when I play catchup!

  24. Note to self...lesson learned not drink tea while scrolling down Going Gently blog. Laughed so quickly that tea shot out of mouth and onto keyboard...gross mess to clean.

    Do you even know how funny and charming and interesting you really are....

  25. All I see now, thanks to your post, is that potato.

    I'll never look at French fries/chips the same way again . . . .

  26. Made me smile this morning - your ducklings are great looking cuties and your veg, well - enough said probably!

    Thanks John.


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