Walking and Flower Show PR

Small factions of the village are jumping into to the flower show preparations with some gusto.
When I was out walking the dogs I spied the sprightly form of octogenarian Mrs A waving frantically from her bungalow garden.
She rather shyly ushered me inside to show me a photograph she thought she might enter in the art class and asked me to try some ginger cake which was wonderful. When I told her so, she cackled with glee and promised to enter it and her photo into Saturday's show.....result
Around a corner I encouraged Mrs W to enter her own hen eggs into the "boiled egg" section of the domestic classes and further on Mr H came out of his house to quiz me on why the flower show prize money was so low! (I did explain that the committee's remit was to provide money for village causes!).

I picked up the notice boards to display the childrens' art work and Jenny from the now almost closed post office donated much of her old stationary stock in order for us to display it when I called in to buy my daily diet coke, which was very kind of her)
I then called in to a red faced Sylvia (the show secretary) and caught her in full cake making mode. Every corner of her kitchen seemed to have cooling sponge cakes steaming away on one surface or another and I am sure that her blood pressure was rocketing away quite nicely amid the organised chaos.

Tonight I will do my share of baking , for the refreshments on the big day... by 10pm I am expecting my blood pressure to be soaring nicely too...I have not slept since Tuesday night .


  1. Seriously......... you need a nap!


  2. how exciting...it will be a great event!

  3. Running on empty? Don't overdo it, the "Sleep Bank" will catch up with you and 'bang' you'll be out like a light!

  4. BANG
    it just did.....................

  5. Well since I seem to only sleep half the night anymore, I will pop over and have some of those freshly baked good with ya :O).

    Now wouldn't that be fun...

  6. John, by the time you read this you will have what we call a "crash and burn" and when you wake up you'll need more sugar and a diet coke to get going again--The joys of it all!! What kind of cakes are you baking?

  7. sounds like Midsommer !

  8. Flippin heck John go to bed and SLEEEEP or you'll be burning the cakes because you've dozed off just like King Alfred!

  9. It's going to be a great event~ Hang in there~ As the great do-ers say, "You can sleep when you're dead. Now get going." Zzzzzz

    You'll pull it all off and with style, too. I have no doubt.


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