
Its 10pm and my net book is not connecting to the net!
I have monopolised Chris' computer for a few minutes before I get stuck in with making my last entry of the Flower Show....namely a quiche,

The village Hall has been organised, decorated and set up ready for the influx of some 350 entries tomorrow morning
, and like the big gay Flower Show chairman that I am, I have cut fresh flowers from the garden and placed sweet looking displays on each of the tea tables.
I will photograph the event for tomorrows blog

So forgive the brevity of today's entry.
I am off to do more baking


  1. Happy Baking, John! Can't wait to see the pictures from the flower show and all the goodies!

  2. Enjoy yourself tomorrow!

  3. just like Margo Channing...everything under control!

  4. jim
    i WOULD JUST LOVE A VODka martini and I fee I need to brandish a stick of celery!!!

  5. It probably wouldn't get done without you, John! Have TWO martinis after the show tomorrow. Good luck....
    Jim C. (too many Jims in your 'fan club).

  6. Oh No! Not a big gay flower brandishing a stick of celery, drunk on vodka!!! Put your pinny on & enjoy tomorrow......looking forward to the photos...xxx

  7. Next time I have to plan an event, I'm going to fly you to California. Volunteers who work as hard as you do are priceless. I hope you have a great time and everyone appreciates your work.

  8. Have a wonderful time tomorrow! I will be a great success. Hope you get lots of praise and recognition for all your hard work.

  9. Please post lots and lots of pictures of the event and of the entries. This city girl here needs to get her fill on quaint village life! (Can't believe how much you have going on all the time. You are a worker bee!)

  10. If you need a dog to help clean up the mess, I'm available, eh!


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