The Trelawnyd Flower Show 2010- Quiche failure

The Flower Show maintains it's successful 37 year run.

It has been a hard days slog, but with a group of positive and helpful committee members and a host of affable helpers, as usual we have produced a show which has increased its entry numbers and one that remains popular with the village and surrounding areas.

Below are a few photographs of the day

Some of the kitchen volunteers under the guidance of cool as cucumber committee member Ann Malthoff ( Centre)

Some of the Flower Entries

Arts and craft table ( my friend Kathryn won a first for her handmade card)

Irene ( The Show Treasurer) walking beside the cut flower section

Yes those onions ARE massive...some of the vegetable entries before the show opened

The miniature floral displays

One of my favourite winners Mrs Jones (from the farm down the lane) and her crocheted blanket.

The School childrens' art work, backing another of the vegetable tables

Mrs Parry, who wipes the floor in all the domestic classes, gets a sneak view of her numerous first places!
My aunt Judy won the five decorate cakes!!!

Oh the shame....I entered the Quiche class and won second!!! ( AND....I was the only entry!!!!)

Committee members John (left) Show Secretary Sylvia and Geoff discussing Jam

Myfanwy and Terry ( showing off his steward' badge)

The villagers start to fill the Memorial Hall

I was grateful for the fact that some of my blog readers turned up to support the day!!

The speeches by the Judge...old faithful professional judge Mr Butler

Off now to feed the Chickens and have a large gin!


  1. Having trouble understanding your getting second place and you had the only entry..........

    Very great turnout! Beautiful... well, everything! Wow, what kind of onions were they???

    After your chores, you deserve a flop on the couch and the bottle of gin! Time to relax!

  2. Looks like a great turnout! Very interesting about someone placing your only quiche second.... are they trying to tell you something? Tee hee. I think it looks YUMMY! Congratulations on a lovely show... I like to see photographs of the villagers. What great looking folks. They must like goats. Tee hee.

  3. sharon
    the judge said it wasnt good enough for a first!!!!

  4. I would love to browse those tables. The miniature flower arrangements are charming. What a nice village you live in (except that cranky-pants judge!).

  5. Good Grief! Well! Were you appropriately ticked off? That deserved a big "Humph!", I think it looks better than I could do!

  6. I LOVE these local affairs! we travelled for an hour once to go to the Walkhampton village show because our friends had entered classes and only people in the village could enter! wonderful xxxxxxxxxxx

  7. Well looks like a great day!

    WOW on the onions! Those were Texas sized onions! I would love to grow some onions that big!

  8. It is similar to our county fairs here ,with out the rides! I love to go to these kind of events! The flowers are beautiful! I would love to be some place where the weather was gentler and the flowers were not all burned up in the summer...sigh.

  9. Great day - love those local affairs, so homely - well done and congrats on your "second placing" - second to none! LOL!

  10. Absolutely Charming.

    Do you like your own cooking??

  11. I do jim.....
    perhaps no one else does!

  12. I loved the look of 'joy' on the participants/villagers faces. They must really look forward to this yearly event. Good work Mr.Man! Real men don't really like quiche they? LOL

  13. Wonderful show! Looks like so much fun and reminds me of our county fairs. Wish I could have stopped by and seen everything. Thanks for the photos.

  14. Fabulous darling! I was hoping to see a pic of you wielding a limp leek or something!! xxx

  15. Faulous. Trying how to work out how your quiche came second !

  16. The quiche judge was just RUDE!

  17. Wow! Thank you for posting so many pictures. Those three ladies in the opening picture just glow with pride and joy, and I love seeing it. There were so many beautiful and interesting entries. I wish I could have been there. And those onions! (Let me say it again: And those onions!!!!!) Funny about the quiche. You didn't have to reveal your second (and last) placing to us, but that's just the kind of guy you are. I am sure that you will wow them next year with something super! And if not -just tell us about it, we'll understand!

  18. Those onions!!!!!
    At probbaly the same time you were sipping your gin I was on my first glass of GA Mountain red wine, having spent an entire day in the company of my child and her pre-teen friends and catering their every wish and entertainment requirement.


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