Post Show thinking

I had to go for a sleep this afternoon as things kind of caught up with me. As usual William (above) and Meg joined me for the afternoon siesta and the "catch up" was much needed believe me. I thought it prudent to keep out of Chris' way, as he is suffering from nicotine fueled irritation (the odd fag coupled with incorrect nicorette patch usage
...hey..bloody .....ho!

In between jobs, I indulged myself with a bit of cloud watching. As I lay there watching the clouds bounce by,I spent 30 minutes giving the flower show a post mortem and was joined by Winnie who has been transformed into one magnificent goose. She ( I am still not sure of her gender..although she has the most beautiful blue eyes) waddled over to me as I lay in the grass and honked loudly in my ear, though just stopped short of rubbing my neck with her beak as she did when a gosling.
We have not worked out costing as yet, but I am sure that although attendance on the day was down ( remember our sister village of Llanasa was staging their all singing and all dancing scarecrow festival at the same time)...entries and raffle ticket sales were up on the day which I was rather proud of. Mind you Auntie Gladys personally trolled round the countryside and sold nearly 350 quids worth of raffle tickets all by herself.

What WAS nice is that a nice cross section of new participants won prizes in the show. One lady from the village sheltered accommodation was tickled pick to have won the best hydrangea bloom with her last minute entry which I heavily encouraged her to enter and almost lost the power of speech when she won the Judge's "special" rosette for the best in show flower entry.
It was nice to witness her reaction
Yesterday I met a great number of very nice people.
Two ladies from a nearby town, were a case in point; they entered a score of show sections without any experience of either our village or show protocol. Their enthusiasm for the old fashioned feel of our set up, I thought , was rather infectious and they have promised to enter more produce in the Show next year.
As for family and friend "winners" Geoff nabbed several firsts for his cakes;My sisters won for floral displays and garden flowers and my cousin Carol ( who always supports us very well) got a second for her tomatoes.
Apart from my embarrassing second for my quiche (that's still smarting!) I won for herbs, flowers and of all things my courgettes...and nabbed second places for my boiled egg,apples (nicked from the orchard behind the cottage) and cactus)


  1. Sounds like it was very successful John. What is a 'courgette'? I could look it up, I guess.I bet it's a type of gourd!?
    Great cloud shot.

  2. Time to relax, that's for sure! Poor Chris, at least he's making the effort, you have to give him that.

    Love the clouds, cloud watching is a favorite pastime.

    When can you find out what Winnie and Jo are?

    You (the village people) had a good showing, I know you put a lot of effort into it!


  3. Maybe next year you could get together with those folks from the other village and set things up so that the events are on different weekends.

  4. Hi John! I'm finally able to sit down and catch up on my blog reading, and yours is the first visit--I was so anxious to read how the flower show went. I know you did a great job and I know that everyone who attended had a wonderful time thanks to your hard work! But I have to ask, what kind of quiche did you make that you got 2nd place in a one-man-category? (ouch by the way...)

  5. PS: Winnie really is lovely and it's nice that she's not forgotten who her Mom is! :-)

  6. lol
    I made a cheese quiche and the judge said she wasnt sure what was in it!
    ( a huge blockofcheese I said!!!)

  7. I did look up courgette and then noticed you had already answered. No wonder you are so tired. Hope you get caught up on your rest soon.

  8. oh my gosh, this sounds like my kind of event to attend! Your recap makes me wish I was there.
    How do you make your quiche? I am curious. I love quiche. We can trade recipes..mine has been passed down from a dear, dear old friend who is like a mother to me.

  9. will post after night shift tonight!!


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