Red Bracelets name the actors

I have posted before that my brother has a version of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) which is often referred to as Lou Gehrig's disease. (

His walk down the Mountain of Snowdon went a long way to highlight this syndrome and other health conditions , and it provided my sister with a springboard to publicise The ALS association by selling their distinctive red band bracelets to everyone she can.

Her added challenge is to photograph each person she sells the bracelet to and to publish the photos on a specific facebook page (I need to find it out!)....she even wants Boris to "sport" one of them..which will be a first on facebook I suspect.......
Above is a photo on Andrew's facebook page (!/photo.php?pid=31521543&fbid=1561383961704&id=1448484955)
He has set a challenge up on it for anyone to guess the actors in the above photograph (My brother is third from left next to the Welsh pop star Mike Peters (second from left)
The winner will be sent a free ALS Bracelet!

Below me sporting my ALS bracelet during yesterday's cloud watching moment


  1. Good (grief) morning, John! The little twit Jill, has woken me with her very best "Somebody's here" bark and growl. I (can you tell?) am not awake.
    I have great difficulty knowing American stars under the age of 50... the only ones I can really identify quickly are dead.
    Seriously, ALS is some horrific stuff, I remember the movie about Lou Gehrig, it didn't even begin to show how bad it was.
    You think Boris will sport the bracelet? (over his head, I'm thinking) Uh, Boris on FB!
    When I wake up, I will probably read your post again........

  2. They all look alike to me! LOL

  3. Send me one - I'll tranfer some GBP on line to you. Nx

  4. great idea, but I haven't the slightest idea who these folks are...

  5. The guy with the guitar is Keith allan...I know that! (actor from the movies such as Shallow Grave,)

  6. I agree it is a great idea! Sadly, I have no clue who these folks are!

  7. nia
    I will make a donation for you

  8. Catching up with your blog.
    You have been busy!
    Great pics.
    Glad Boris is feeling better.

  9. Popping in to say hello. First day of school here for my boys. :O)

  10. I'm glad the walk went well for your brother. Good picture!


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