Ticking a box

My Brother (right) walked the height of Snowdon in miserable conditions supported by his son ( my nephew) Jon, Brother in law Tim (pictured left) and two ski sticks!
He has exhibited a strength of will inherited from our formidable Gran Fry and after the trek didn't retire to his bed as most of us would have done but jumped into a frenzy of more work by acting as a musical technician at a local concert.
We are all very proud of him


  1. You must be very proud and happy to congratulate him on such a personal triumph! I'm sure it took an enormous strength,to do it. Well done!

  2. A wonderful inspiration!

  3. Congratulations to your brother on his accomplishment! He should be very proud of himself. I hope you have a wonderful day John...enjoy your critters! Maura :)

  4. And rightly so, John!

  5. And now, he'll have braggin' rights for the rest of his life! Good for him for extending his horizon.

  6. Congratulations to your brother and a big hug too :O).

  7. how humbling and inspiring! Thanks for starting off my Monday on the right track.

  8. Absolutely bloody tremendous! Well done digger!


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