Flower Show Prep

I always enjoy the Flower Show Committee meetings; they are always a bit of a bun fight.
Overseen by the matriarchs Sylvia and Irene , who have been running the event longer than I have been a nurse, we thrashed out the smaller details of the day, such as who does what with who and generally everything was sorted out by the time we drank cups of tea out of china cups around Auntie Gladys' kitchen table and ate her "world famous" buttered scones which had been baked that morning especially for the meeting.
Our committee comprises of an interesting cross section of Trelawnyd Villagers. As well as the "matriarchs" and Auntie Gladys ,of course ( who has been on the committee 58 years!!) we have a sensible school teacher. two affable couples who have taken early retirement, a working mum, a businessman, a part time carer and of course, me.
Of course we had some minor blips ( none of the Children's cup have bee returned from the previous school winners including our own donated "Finlay memorial Cup") but I guess it will all come out in the wash


  1. Sometimes kids think awards are "for keeps" LOL!

  2. John - email me at jd1942@westnet.com.au and I'll send you that info - the hotmail link to you does not seem to be working.

  3. How many buns did you throw and who did you hit?


  4. Sharon, I'll bet he didn't throw a bun but threw a bowl like he did at poor Halleh the other day! :-)

    By the way, I'd hunt those kids down and take back their cups John!

    ...boy am I mean tonight or what...sorry John...

  5. Reading your description of the committee meeting paints a picture in my mind of a village meeting where I could expect you to say that Miss Marple showed up for a buttered scone. Are you sure you are not writing a sitcom? I think you should find an agent and sell your blog/posts/life to the BBC and become famous and rich.

  6. "The smaller details of the day, such as who does what with who..."

    Hmm, sounds intriguing, John. Care to elaborate? ;)

  7. youwill all see on the day!!!!
    flower show secrets!!


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