
As the laptop is in the bedroom with me, I felt the compulsion to get this little vignette of village life "on blog" as it were.
I slept for four hours then got up with my t shirt the wrong way round to make sure the animals were all watered and that Boris got his extra titbits. My friend Geoff and some visiting family called around for eggs so as I was seeing to them, I hardly noticed four walkers standing my the cottage wall. A young man was linking arms with an older man and both were admiring the back garden, so I left them to it,said a quick hello and went inside to collect some egg boxes. It was only after I had passed them for a second time did I realise that the younger man was blind and that the older chap was "showing" him a buddliea flower by describing it carefully as the blind man felt and smelt it.
I had almost overlooked this little moment in time due to over tiredness..hey ho
Off to bed again


  1. What a lovely sight to see and to think you nearly missed it. I like the fact that people feel so comfortable with you that they (in a small way) make themselves at home in your yard. Have a wonderful day once you're up and around. Maura :)

  2. Amazing what we miss due to our busy lives. Now, we will all slow down a bit and begin to 'notice'.

  3. I'm glad that you didn't miss it. We're all so busy, and tired, these days that we often miss these small moments that really enrich our lives.

  4. I'm glad you did get that moment, off to bed with you now!

  5. Wow. What a beautiful moment to witness.

  6. When we are not attending at our best we often miss the obvious things, ehhh?

    Get some sleep - emailed you about Health care in Australia, as you requested.

  7. how precious. So glad you got to witness this.


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