
It is ages since I have done two night shifts together.
Unlike my normal "no sleep and get on with things", I have got to go to bed during much of today so that I can face another shift tonight.
So Chris has just fed me a nice cooked breakfast, I have no dogs to walk and have just fed and watered the birds so I can climb into a clean crisp bed without the guilt of jobs to do.
Our bed is quiet! and empty.....without the usual cacophony of grunts,farts and dog dreaming woofs it is now a haven of peace and tranquility where I can spread out in peace and decadence....


  1. ah the devil of working for a living............glad you got some sleep xxx

  2. Did Chris fix you his "favorite" whole-wheat toast with a sliced banana on top that you promptly refused to eat? I seem to recall that it's his favorite "childs food" or something like that. :-)

    But there's nothing like sometimes having the bed all to yourself and clean sheets just make it that much more blissful! ~Enjoy!~

  3. I can hear you from here!

  4. Ah, the bed to yourself. Although I would miss the 'noises' of the animals. Sleep well.

  5. John! If Chris is really that obnoxious of a bed partner, why not ask him to sleep in a different room?

    Much better than slamming him publicly like this...


  6. Bliss indeed. I rue the day I first allowed Hootie up on our bed. Almost a year after that BabyRocketDog decided fair was fair and she started getting on the bed.(Patrick said if one is allowed they sould both be allowed.) Now every night I have to fight for a decent sleep...An Airedle = 3 Welshies you know!! And yes, then there is the matter of,um,rude odors emitted by said pooches. I've closed them out behind the gate on occasion, and Hootie sits down there whining for HoUrS!!! Do you feel my pain?!

  7. nancy
    I have no idea what you are talking about
    the farts,grunts etc are from the dogs and not him!
    I think you jumped to a wrong conclusion right there!


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