The Ghost

Today is wet and misty. I am working night shift tonight and tomorrow night, so I wanted us to "do something" this afternoon to ensure that the weekend was not a total bust.
So we went to theatre Clwyd to see Polanski's The Ghost.
It wasn't a half bad thriller , well that is for a rainy miserable afternoon that is and I liked the showy cast of thesps:.Pierce Brosnan, Olivia Williams ( a particular fav of mine), Kim Cattrall (a nice cool and sassy performance here) and the ubiquitous Tom Wilkinson, not to mention surprise pop ups by an almost skeletal Eli Wallach and a bald James Belushi.

The plot centring around the ghost writer for an ex British PM's biography, a CIA plot and murder, is far fetched to say the least but the direct comparison with the grinning Tony Blair is pleasing enough for the audience to enjoy and Polanski's use of a wintery New England and a strange colour tint to the filming makes for an interesting movie.

Don't look Nigel
but I gave it an 8/10


  1. An 8/10 eh? Must be worth watching. Will add it to our list.

  2. I saw this a few months ago and loved it. GREAT choice. I just saw "Winter's Bones" and it was also very good.

  3. Loved it - a return to form for Polanski, directing a great cast. Bet Cherie hated it!!

  4. Thrillers are not normally my thing, but if it involves looking at Pierce Brosnan for a couple of hours I might give it a go ; ).


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