The raping of the hens

Chatting to neighbour Mandy over the compost heap yesterday, I was in an ideal position to see the sex crazed drake Halleh molesting another juvenile Hen. Being adopted by a hen, has given this handsome drake a penchant for nubile young chickens and 2 poor hybrids Ripley and Newt have been repeatedly flattened, mouthed and harassed by him
Mandy watched open mouthed when I interrupted our conversation with a sharp "oi!!!!!" and on impulse and with some frustration I lobbed a metal feeding bowl at the duck as he tottered past with his mouth full of hen feathers.
The bowl unexpectedly clacked Halleh on the head, and the poor thing stopped and immediately fell over, shaking violently.
"Bloody hell!" I cried to Mandy "I think I've killed him"
Mandy got on with her weeding, used to the somewhat bizarre goings on on the field, but as I checked on Halleh she did ask "well? he alright?"
In fact he was alright.....well, eventually that is.
He came around slowly, shaking his head from side to side then went to sulk in a patch of nettles for the rest of the afternoon.
Gawd I felt guilty, and checked on him occasionally, just in case he suffered a delayed subdural haematoma.
Every time I found him, he watched me warily with beady black eyes following my every move.......


  1. Oh John I wish I'd seen the look on your face !!!

    With Lucy being broody I let her out of the cat box prision for a bit of exercise in the afternoon, assuming the other girls have laid their eggs by then - I've been shutting the hen house door.

    Yesterday found one egg in the compost heap & another in the plant pot !!! Silly girls

  2. I'd keep an eye on him, looks like he's thinking of how he can get you back!

  3. rape...assault with a deadly weapon...crumbs it all happens down in your neck of the woods doesn't it!
    Vegtables with asbos next!
    Have a lovely (peaceful?) weekend

  4. I agree with George--When Halleh's head clears he might be thinking of how to get you back and I'll bet he has a friend or 2 in the field that would help him! ;-)

  5. My lady says that your "OI!" should work really well next time thanks to that bowl! We had the same problem here with our Lyle rooster. We've heard that he has happily (probably not for the hens) sired his first chicks. Our hens are extremely relieved he's not around. Maybe Halleh will learn some finesse as he matures.

  6. again, I will say this, I do wish I lived next door to you, life would be an adventure that's for sure!!

    Gill in Canada

  7. Oh, poor Hallah. And, all he wanted was a little sex. Hmmmm, I wonder what dire things he is planning for you?

  8. big MEANY LOL!!! Yes I would have loved to have seen your face too...I can just imagine! Well maybe he'll think twice next time his sexual urges get hold of him..ya right. I wish I was your neighbour..I wouldn't need a TV ;)Have a wonderful weekend...Maura :)

  9. Sometimes, when I read your posts, I get the feeling that it's a script for a British sitcom.

    Well, Halleh is either going to fear you or hate your guts, by the sounds of it. Beady black eyes will be watching you! I would have liked to see your face too! I do hope the poor drake will be all right.

  10. You are in so much trouble. There is nothing like a drake scorned. LOL

    I got a kick this a.m. seeing:

    The raping of the hens."

  11. Just imagine what you could have achieved on the Yorkshire Ripper case...

  12. we all need a horny duck to brighten up our days!

  13. Lol, my roosters get so excited when I force a broody hen out of the nestbox (she has no eggs, just broody, and I don't want her to be broody so I toss her outside with the flock). Anyway, the roos get so excited to see a fresh hen, they all want to have a gang bang with her. They wait in line for her! Needless to say, the hen isn't too happy. So I throw things at them! So far my aim hasn't been too good. I will think of your drake with a headache next time, but I still have to save my hen!

    Good day, Lynn

  14. I once tried to pull our male duck off one of his four wives. He was about to drown the poor thing in the pond! The predators kept taking the female ducks so we would get Peter our male a new wife. In the paricular situation we had just got home with #3, she was small, all we could get and to be honest she wasn't overly healthy but we figured well we will give her a new home. Peter our male duck went nuts, he barely let her get to the pond and poof yep did what male ducks do. I was so mad at him I waded into the pond and tried to pull him off her. geesh ... I said to him geesh Peter you could have at least courted her a little while first! Maybe said here let me show you around the pond etc. geesh!

  15. this is the stuff of movies, I swear! All kinds of criminal behavior all in one place...
    You are the funniest.


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