Post Office Gossip, George and Dan's duck eggs

I bumped into Aunt Gladys in the post Office this morning. Deaf as a post but with her eyes bright and interested in all village gossip and news she eagerly asked me how the open allotment went. (although I am sure she had already had a detailed run down of the day)
When I informed her that her 60 "world famous labelled" scones had been sold within minutes of our opening I was delighted to see her beam with pride and mischief.
It is this almost childlike quality of enjoying life's little victories that seems to keep Gladys "younger" than most people in their twenties, and her genuine pleasure over the success of our open day was rather moving.

The only other bit of drama of the afternoon was the fact that George got a twig stick in his throat when we were out for a walk up the gop. A blue light dash to the vets, a quick anaesthetic , a nifty twist of a set of magills forceps and thirty five pounds later he was returned home non the worse for wear.....
These animals will be the death of me.......

......and finally....... the second batch of this year's duck eggs have just had a clean and polish and have been set up in the kitchen incubator!
I am hoping to hatch out a score of ducklings for a guy that attended the open day and for Dan, a fellow blogger over at, who is risking divorce by agreeing to add several runners to his back garden menagerie!
hey ho

ps welcome to another village blog reader at Anchor house!!


  1. Aunt Gladys seems to take to old age quite well!

    Poor George, I bet his throat is still sore. He looks so unhappy in the picture. He's such a dear boy.

    "Cooking" any runner ducks for yourself while you are at it?

  2. Sometimes the attitude belies the age, either way. Have met young folks that should be in a rest home, and some of my elders that are have hit at least second childhood, if not maybe third!

    Poor pup, I would have worried about him aspirating... Someone else would probably have had to drive...

    Incubator. Hm. I might have to go that route. Lord knows letting nature take it's course hasn't been successful for me this year... (sigh)


  3. I think I need to talk with Aunt Gladys,She could probably give me some very good advice about this whole getting older thing ;O).

    Thank you for your very sweet comment you left. It could not have come on a better day! It made me smile and I needed to smile.

    I am glad to hear George is okay. He looks in that picture like, OOPS sorry about that Dad.

    I think Boris for sure had better color in the photo you just posted. I hope he keeps getting better.

  4. If I had known y'all when I was making soap, everybody would have gotten "freebies"! The mice got into a huge bin full and it went to the dump, such a shame.

  5. Doncha love little ole ladies. I plan on becoming a spritely one myself.

  6. Poor George! He has THAT look in his eyes. Sophie had that same look this afternoon....after she got into some garbage....and ate most of it!

    WE (my family) have christened my father with the name Gladys. He has all the family gossip and shares it freely! What's in a name........

  7. Geez, what was George thinking! Glad he is ok.
    Aunt Gladys sounds like quite the character. And I bet you really made her day when you told her about her scones selling so quickly.
    Ooooh, baby ducks. :)

  8. Hello John! Aunt Gladys seems like such a sweet woman...I love the fact that her eyes light up. I can just picture it. Poor George and poor YOU! Glad everything worked out ok in the end though. Best of luck with your incubating duck eggs for your friend. Have a wonderfl weekend....Maura :)

  9. Glad George is OK. I enjoyed reading through your wonderful posts and catching up. The videos are great. I haven't been reading blogs since I've been doing more work around here. I do miss your posts.

  10. Poor little George. Glad you got that stick out. Yikes that is scary. I lurvvve scones so surely would have bought one of Aunt Gladys' too.


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