Small boys and dogs

Small boys and dogs go together like Hinge and Bracket.
Leo let a huge amount of steam wrestling with William in the living room
and screaming around the field with a hysterical George in tow

I don't know who will be exhausted first dog or boy!!!
As I write this Leo is shouting from his bedroom
"William is sitting on my head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

hey ho


  1. Kids and dogs...I love it. Kids usually give out first. Good for you, though-he will sleep well tonight!(well, they both will)
    Also, I see that you gave up the chicken poo covered get-up? Lookin' sharp!

  2. p.s. we are setting up a tent this weekend, too, out in the field, for my daughter and the dogs. Should be fun.

  3. Nothing like a child and fun loving dogs! Great pictures, maybe not from a photographer's stand point, but the content made me just want to stay around and look at them a bit.

    Enjoy the visit!

  4. Kids & dogs OMG! Whats with the shirts & ties???? WOW! xxx

  5. We are still looking for the 'right' four legged family member.

  6. dogs are precious and what would we do without them?

  7. Leo looks like he's having a ball. He looks like a fun kid.

  8. polly thats chris not me!I still had my wellies on

  9. Well I need glasses then.
    I will blame it on middle age.

  10. I love having kids over to exhaust my dogs! :)

  11. Looks like someone is having a great time! and will sleep well :O)

  12. Dogs and boys...that's a combinatin that brings out the Cruella De Ville in me. I shudder at the thought!

  13. It's hard to tell who's having the most fun!

    John, I've been 'gone' for a few days and just saw your post of Aug. 11th. I left a note, explaining my comment.

    Sorry for any misunderstanding!

  14. Looks like the energy level is way way up for all critters at your house (including the young human critter!) I know when my grandchilden stop by I feel like a tornado has swept thru the house after they are gone. My little black poodle, Toby, flops down with exhaustion from keeping up with all the action (me too!) xoxo

  15. Purple socks? You know some fashion-forward people!

  16. the purple socks are my father-in-laws....
    mine are sweat stained with a mud finish!!!!

  17. That's nice too!

  18. Catching up on your blog. Nothing cuter than a dog sitting on a boys head! lol Sounds like both boy and dogs were exhausted. And with huge smiles on them!


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