Kid care...pah it's child's play

This child care lark is exhausting!
I have prepared a fireman's breakfast ( boiled eggs and soldiers), put together a lego policeman supervised a country walk, organised a wild flower collection and some chicken coop cleaning, taught a seven year old the life cycle of turkeys, calmed down an over enthusiastic wrestling match between boy and an over excited welsh terrier, given a guided tour of an animal feed wholesalers AND the sea aquarium in Rhyl..........and I even prepared lunch then delivered some eggs......

and Its only soddin four o'clock in the afternoon!!!!!
I must admit I have really enjoyed the day...Leo keeps his "whys? and whats?" to a minimum. which mean that you are not worn to a frazzle with little boy questioning and even though it is tiring reminding myself NOT to swear in everyday conversation...I have managed to keep him entertained when Chris was at work.

It also helps , when you realise just how polite and courteous Leo is compared to other people's children. There is always a please and a thank you whenever things are requested and he actually ASKS to be excused from the table after eating! He puts both Chris and I to shame!

Mind you his love affair with George (known to Leo as the "Black dog" as he cannot remember his name) and a hyperactive William , is firmly set, as every few minutes dogs and boy swap licky kisses and cuddles......I am beginning to run out of antibacterial gel with all this animal handling...thank god Leo isn't so attached to the poultry!

Anyhow tonight we are having fish and chips on the seafront and I have just captured a quiet 15 minutes to myself after sending Chris out with him to walk down gypsy lane with the dogs...Yesterday I spent an hour in the morning planting coins on the tree trunks, to form an interesting "treasure hunt" for him to enjoy........lets hope he finds some.....

Chris and his dad are taking him to the Zoo tomorrow.....
I am staying home with the dogs!


  1. I believe that people should have children at a reasonably young age. They can be exhausting. How I managed my four and babysat 3 all under the age of 9, is beyond me, but I only remember Christmas vacation as being trying. They are so much fun at Leo's age, old enough to (hopefully) behave themselves, yet young enough to see the wonderment of it all. Did he find any coins? So good that Leo is so fond of the dogs! Is good for George, especially!

    I am glad you are actually having a good time! Ever think about adopting a human?

  2. If a boy has a good dog to play with all is right in the world! Children that have been taught manners and good behavior are a joy...the others ..welll...makes you want to find their parents and slap them!

  3. Glad that Leo has manners. Good for his parents! I'm not overly fond of tiny kidlets, but, when they get to about Leo's age, full of questions and fun, I kind of enjoy them. Then they hit the teen aged years and it all goes to pot.

  4. It sounds like you are not having too bad of a time with the little human better be careful or you will be wanting to adopt one...they can be addictive, especially the well-behaved ones.
    Here I sit taking notes of all the cool things you have done with him in just two days!!!

  5. You're the perfect person to visit - so thoughtful and proactive! Quite unlike a visit my husband and I once had with his brother and the sister-in-law. After no breakfast seemed to be coming our way, we shyly and confusedly asked where we could buy ourselves something. My sister-in-law said: You can buy a donut down the street. (!!) And we are even on good terms with them - so what the heck?!

  6. i had my kids in my teens and early twenties and i've forgotton how tiring they are, well done for doing such a good job of the child care!

  7. I am wore out reading your post LOL.. Polite (little people) as I call them are so much more enjoyable! Please and Thank You, so many do not even know those words these days!

  8. Children have so much energy. And you are a most wonderful host. How clever of the coins.
    I am most impressed of the manners young Leo has been taught. A great foundation for the future.


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