I am Still Mommy

I have loads to do today, as Richard and Leo arrive this afternoon.
I am trying to ignore the feather strewn bodies of two sparrows on the floor of the living room, well that is until I have my first cup of coffee of the day, and then I can get things organised, clean and tidy.( I have also got the challenge to set up a two man tent which Chris bought for Leo as his own ready made "den")

Yesteday, I noticed that the goslings have formed themselves into a neat little flock with the magpie ducks. The five waterfowl totter around the field together quite happily,all seem shy of visitors and with me they all remain wary, a fact I do find rather odd seeing that the goslings were hand reared.
Yesterday Jo (the gosling with the damaged wing) wrapped himself up in some discarded garden twine and ended up effectively immobile behind the feedbins.
It took me an age to unravel his feet from the string, but as I did so he sat quietly on my lap and nuzzled my neck with his beak, it was obvious that he remembered his old mum!

The magpie ducks, Winnie and Jo ambling off to the stream this morning.


  1. Good Morning Mommy! I really love the last picture! Thanks for not posting one of your living room! :-)) ~Enjoy your day!!~

  2. I just read on another blog that you are getting a new Scottie bitch!! YEAH!! I can hardly wait to see the pictures. One more creature that will call you Mom.

  3. That had to warm your heart a little,that your "teenagers" still love their mom. Is it true...you are getting a new scottie?

  4. Yes, you are.
    When we moved our peking white duck to a friend's pond, it took him forever to let us leave. He tried to foolow us, then the car, it was pitiful. We returned a week later to carefully check on him and lo and behold, he had formed himself a pack with a female duck and a beautiful goose who were already inhabiting the pond. He didn't even come to me when I called him, and it was actually such a great feeling.

  5. Anonymous1:09 pm

    Great pic! Jo sitting in you lap nuzzling your neck = priceless. While I hand raise my waterfowl they remain distant unless they need help and then they will actually run to me.

  6. Typical teenagers - they want you when they need you. Otherwise, go away! That means you've done a good job, Mommy.

  7. Good afternoon! Great picture of your babies and the ducks! This is a good one - for when you write a book!

  8. It used to eark me so when Michael would call me "mommy". I'd give an evil eye or even a mouthful of words, for sure.

  9. yes
    mel, we are hoping to get another bitch for a companion for george!

  10. Good Morning John...I like Kim's greeting better LOL! Love your photo....enjoy your mommyhood as long as you can. Have a wonderful day and 'see' you in a couple of weeks. Have fun with your guests! Maura :)

  11. No matter how old you are, you still run to Mommy when you need help or comfort. I'm glad that they have formed a flock with the ducks

  12. That is so sweet you have been forgotten as 'mom'. :)


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