Open Allotment day video 2

Some nice shots of the magpie ducks....I had four offers from punters to take them!...You won't be surprised to hear I refused


  1. Nice shot of the goosies, too!

  2. I really like your garden, and that mama with her babies , Winnie and Jo look so big! The Magpies are so pretty. I had thought with all those people walking about, that the fowl would be running about like they were wild!

  3. By the sounds of all the people they were all having a grand time.
    Winnie and Jo are so big now. Geez, they grow fast!
    Um, what is a punter? I'm sure it isn't a good thing and glad you turned them down.

  4. punter
    One who punts a football; also, one who propels a punt (pontoon).
    (context, UK, slang) one who gambles. See speculator.
    (context, UK, slang) A customer, often used to refer to the customer of a prostitute.

  5. That was a good video too! Okay I can usually figure out what some of the words you use mean, but Punters? What is that? :O)...

    The gosling well I guess they are getting to big to call them gosling but they looked very relaxed for all that was going on!

    Again your place is lovely. Such nice gardens you have! So green,and lush looking :O).

    OH never mind I just saw the answer to my question AJ asked too :O).

  6. Looks like it was a nice day and people were milling around. Love the geese..they're growing up too fast though. Oh well that's life.

  7. watched both movies and the ducks are lovely.

    It looked like a lovely day for you all?

    Gill in Canada


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