Allotment Open video 1

The husband of one of Chris' work mates took this will be glad to hear that because of this I am now back on a diet!!!


  1. Looks like a fun time.....with a lot of work thrown in.

  2. So glad you posted videos for those of us who couldn't be there! It looks like a great day!

  3. Thanks for posting these videos. It looks like everyone had a great time.

  4. How great not only to see the fantastic turnout of the open day but also to see what this piece of land has been turned into thanks to one man's passion and labor of love!

  5. How fun to get to see a video and hear you guys talk. Its lovely there. Is it always so green there?

  6. Diet? You're kidding, you are a fine figure of a man! ;-)

    Really enjoyed the videos, is nice to see where you live and the lovely people around you!

  7. A diet? What in the world for? You look mighty handsome!
    Great video. Couldn't help but notice all the food on the table.:)
    Sure looks like everyone had a wonderful time.
    And the weather! Oh I wish for weather like that.

  8. Don't be so bloody daft! Nothing wrong with you. xxx

  9. The video was fun to see, and you look good.
    How did you keep the little ones from carrying off your poultry?

  10. just as you should be...the center of attraction. :)

  11. It looks like everyone is having a wonderful time wondering around and looking at the critters and veggies. OH my that food tent looks wonderful....wish we could have seen up close what was in there though! Then again maybe it's best that we didn't see anything. LOL look just fine! Enjoy your day and please give Boris a scratch for me...thanks. :)

  12. Wow, your place looks great! I may have missed it someplace, but what does it mean, "allotment"? Is it community property that you're allowed to use?

  13. eric
    an allotment is a piece of land put over to the cultivation of vegetables and fruit
    My field has four allotments on it!!!! all mine!!


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