Quietly Nuts

Albert dragged in another flapping hysterical young sparrow this morning, which escaped from his clutches in the kitchen as I was feeding the stock outside. When I eventually returned soaked to the skin, a scene of carnage lay before me. The bird had managed to wedge itself in a bloody heap behind the toaster, and in his effort to retrieve it, Albert had kicked an enamel pan, a whole array of utensils and my favourite American coffee cup onto the floor!
I could have cried.....not because of the mess......gawd having 83 animals,means that mess is a way of life, no, it was the potential loss of a simple ceramic mug that upset me the most.

My reaction beggared the question of Why on earth do people have such close relationships with inanimate objects?
There is no real reason for it, is there? but I can honestly say that I love my battered old coffee cup, with its typically American rounded, slightly art deco edges and chunky comfortable handle.
I "hate" drinking coffee from any other mug ( it doesn't taste the same either) and I have lovingly looked after my mug since "our eyes met" on the shelf in the tourist shop on the top of the Rockefeller Centre.
I know there is more important things going on in the world. But in my own little goldfish bowl here in Wales, my mug , does have a special place in my affection......
Anyhow the story does have a happy ending.....with its robust chunky make up, my mug survived its fall and now is steaming away on the kitchen table with its usual cargo of coffee.

Message to self.
Am I odd...or do I really need to get out more......


  1. John I totally understand, very pleased the mug is safe but I'm assuming the sparrow didn't make it.


  2. No the sparrow was fine (ish) found his way under my incubator on the work top.....the blood was from a flesh wound!

  3. Thew well done little sparrow.


  4. My lady completely understands - as she sits sipping her coffee from her favorite American-made mug! I'm glad sparrow wasn't killed in the melee.

  5. You are not odd at all....I cried when my favourite mug broke....usually if I cry over little things...it means something bigger is going on....I do have at least three favourite mugs and I would be heartbroken if any of them would break, they all mean something and all have a story. ...maybe we are all odd?

  6. Odd? Nah, John, think it's the nature of our species. I too have a favorite mug, if that broke, I would feel bad.

    Poor little sparrow, I imagine he was quite terrified. We get birds in the back porch on occasion, Jill will do her best to do them in.

    With the rain, you going to take it a little easy today? You have had such a busy week! Have a great afternoon!

  7. Maybe the mug was just the straw that broke the camel's back? Sometimes we build up stress without even realizing it, and then it's a little thing that breaks the dam.

    On the other hand - it looks like you have one of those heavy American Diner mugs with the fat rim that feels just perfect on the lips!

  8. Hello John!! I'm just catching up on your blog from being away and am glad to read the news that the Allotment Open (open Allotment?) went well! I really enjoyed the videos and will agree with the other comments--You are a very nice looking man; I think you look great!! :-)))
    I also know what you mean about the cup--I've just gone through my Mother's kitchen and you wouldn't believe the dishes I brought home with me for the very same reason!!

  9. I understand. I too am slightly addicted to some of my dishes. I love hand-made pottery in the kitchen, and my favorite coffee mugs are reproductions of the "Votes for women" line from the Susan B. Anthony museum. I would probably cried if one broke, seeing that I have cried over broken dishes before. I rarely buy dishes, and when I do they are special or handmade. So, I think crying is warranted?

  10. I saw your mug and thought OH a diner cup I can send John another one of those! :O). Not that it would be the "same" one but it would be the same one in style. But I see your mug survived its fall.. So glad...

    Glad the sparrow made it too!

  11. John i am in florida post picture of your mug and i will look for another to send you as a spare.
    glad both mug and sparrow are fine.
    i love your blog you are very expressive. Sue.M

  12. Just got to see picture sorry i missed it my PC did not load it correctly before i read your post i will look for one.

  13. You are not nuts. I too have a favorite mug as well as a favorite glass. My ocd kicks in when someone uses my glass or my mug.
    Glad the sparrow is ok.
    How is Boris today?

  14. AJ
    he looks better every day now. He is eating and drinking but has lost a huge amount of weight.
    I am off to get him some sweet tinned sweetcorn!
    thank you for asking

  15. Hell yeah, you are odd! You've been smelling too much poultry poo! But that's okay. It's what makes you you! I don't have a fav mug (made in Korea?) but I tend to be choosy in the a.m. I have a travel mug for work, but a replacement wouldn't be an issue. We have a few multi-colored mugs and one all blue one. I tend to choose the blue one. I guess because it's different? Don't know really. But I also measure my shoe laces to make sure they are even. So you're not alone in the odd department. LOL

  16. I agree with Randy....you ARE pretty odd John! But not any more than the rest of us!
    I'm the same way with my tea cup. It just doesn't taste the same in another....almost a complete waste of time.

  17. Glad to learn the sparrow survived and your mug too. I totally understand what you mean about the mug though...coffee just wouldn't be the same without it. Enjoy your day and be glad you're not getting our heat of 109 degrees! Maura :)

  18. Nope, not odd. I drink tea from a specific ceramic tankard, and like you, it doesn't quite taste right if I have it in some other cup or mug.

    And I am pleased the little sparrow is okay.


  19. losing a favourite sipping mug is a tragic event. I feel for you!

  20. John, in September I will be in NYC and would be pleased to obtain a backup mug for you. Please email me with a picture of the mug so I might look for a twin! It would be my pleasure! And PS to answer your question a day or so ago over at my blog.... that was not a dead chicken on the floor .... it was litte Jeter's favorite de-stuffed Halloween pumpkin! xoxo

  21. Hi John. Looks like all the other comments pretty well cover it. No you're not odd. Yes, you are odd. Yes, you need to get out more. No, you get out plenty.We are one with our mugs.Looks like you are gonna be inundated with a plethora of ceramic diner mugs.hehe.Glad the sparrow made it from the dastardly clutches of Albert with only a little spilt blood. x-c

  22. mugs come and go in this house, so I don't "get it" as far as the mug is concerned.

    Glad the birdie survived, well at least for another day!!

    Gill in Canada

  23. John, I totally get this. I get the same way with "things" and sometimes have to wonder about myself. But sometimes those "things" hold in them a microcosm of time or feeling or love and then they become precious.

    And besides, coffee and tea absolutely do taste better when drank out of a vessel we care about. I debate this with my husband all the time when he tries to pawn off his icky old mug on me. I know the difference!



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