Being careful

Boris HAS turned another corner.
I got up this morning to a small pile of over ripe fruit piled up on the kitchen garden wall. an incredibly sweet gesture from a faceless local who must have read yestrday's blog!
I made a sort of "platter" out of the fruit, leftover rice and sweetcorn, added some white bread and finally garnished the plate with a small dead baby mouse (courtesy of Albert).
I let Boris out and set him up with the food and he ate and drank reasonably well. I am just starting to allow myself a little glimmer of hope.


  1. I hope he pulls through, if only because I love the name Boris.

  2. Good news.

    And I do love your use of the word "garnished" here!

  3. How kind of your unknown benefactor!! I'm glad Boris is feeling good enough to enjoy his treats.

  4. Hurrah!!! Fingers crossed.
    (By the way I'm just not comimg to yours' for breakfast....though we have a jackdaw who would probably love such a feast)

  5. Once again, your village shows its kind heart. I'm glad that Boris is showing signs of recovery.

  6. that is such good news, I had expected him to have popped his clogs by now.

    Catching up with the rest of your blog as well. What a fantastic day that sounded the open allotment day. What do you do with the funds that are raised?

    Off to work, will catch up with later on in the week,

    Gill in Canada

  7. the money raised will go to the church gill...
    I think they need monies for some interior church jobs!
    my field is the church field.

  8. OK....let's back up here a second. Boris eats baby mice?!

  9. jim
    all poultry will eat mice, voles, etc, some of my chickens are dreadful hunters!!!
    boris loves dead baby mice...he eats them whole, this one got stolen from him by one of the buffs!

  10. The proof was in the pear! I'm so glad that Boris is doing better. He looked so pale in the last photographs compared to his "portfolio shot" on the right.

  11. " It takes a village...."
    I hope Boris gets back to his normal self. I wonder is he is even thinking about shagging another of the girls?
    Super nice neighbors!

  12. You have wonderful neighbors. I live vicariously through your place with Boris and the others. I want to raise a few turkeys. I hope he does recover. See ya later, Smooches Ya'll


    LOL @ Jabacue, Don't you ever think a say -- Turken looks a bit like say a Jurassic Park raptor? Chickens are super omnivores and if you are not careful will perform like trash compactors with a tad of nasty carnivore throw in to boot.

  13. You sure do have some very thoughtful neighbors.
    Glad to hear Boris is feeling a bit better.

  14. Glad he didn't have to settle for a manky orange. May the healing trend continue!

  15. Ah John..maybe things are looking up for Boris. He certainly can't complain about his food...such a feast! :)


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