A nice ripe pear (pair) and the Ghost hens are released

I have returned all of the borrowed chairs and tables to Prestatyn vicarage this morning and have delivered all of the raffle prizes to their respective ticket owners.
When I was in Prestatyn, I had a brainwave and called into the grocers to see if they had any ripe pears. I remembered that Boris was a sucker for soft fruit and although I had released him from his house early this morning I noticed that he still had not eaten anything.
I explained to the young girl on the till that I needed a very ripe pear for a sick turkey and she yelled my request to an unseen guy in the back of the shop!
After a minute or so the guy called back
"I can't find any pears but I've got a manky orange?"
"No" I replied..." He only likes a ripe pear"

"Don't we all" responded the shop owner with a chuckle.
After a few more minutes, they kindly found some fruit and above is a photo of Boris eating his first bit of food in over four days. The big guy looks dreadfully weak and wobbly at the moment, I only hope he may have turned some sort of corner

This morning I have also released the ghost hens from their prefab run. One fat hen ,caught up in the excitement of it all ran the length of the field on stiff fat legs only to return breathless ad fraught when she realised that she was alone.
They have not ventured far from their coop but it's early days yet......they are beginning to resemble healthy young hens


  1. Wish I had your energy - just for one day! Gad, Boris didn't eat for 4 days? Did he drink? That pear was just the thing to get him eating again, I hope!
    I laughed at the hen that went running, I suppose she got so far and then thought "What the Hay? Oops!"

  2. Okay, first, congrats on Open Allotment. Sounds like it went quite well. Doesn't Chris look ever so cute in his pretty little apron. I remember remarking to my great aunt and uncle once about a sale they didn't take due to the price. I don't remember what it was, but I do recall saying that I didn't know that they were so miserly! I got a frowed eyebrow from my uncle and a gaspy chuckle from my aunt. I suppose frugal would have been a better word, but as a nine year old, I was under the impression that they were synonamous. Of course, that's water under the bridge. I no longer speak with my uncle, and get sneaked phone calls from my aunt (who was like a grandmother to me). But that's all due to a completely different situation. What a disappointment I turned out to be. Anyway, the hens look good. They do like young. Hopes for Boris to return to good health, too.

  3. The ghost hens really do look so much better then when you got them!

    That was so nice of you to go get Boris fruit! I don't really know what he should look like. But he seems like in this photo he might have looked better than in that last one.

  4. The ghost hens look so much more like "real" chickens now. Soon, you won't be able to call them ghost hens any longer. Here's hoping that the nice ripe fruit helps Boris turn the corner.

  5. Those ghost hens look lovely.

    I've been having a hankering for more hens, since Evil Kenievel it just feels like I haven't got enough.

    Also been toying with the idea of ducks though, but would need to build a fox proof shelter for them and I'm not sure I have the energy.

    Quack quack.

  6. Those ghost hens look lovely.

    I've been having a hankering for more hens, since Evil Kenievel it just feels like I haven't got enough.

    Also been toying with the idea of ducks though, but would need to build a fox proof shelter for them and I'm not sure I have the energy.

    Quack quack.

  7. AAAAAAAWE Thank you! I had been thinking about the old fellow, Boris for a few days. I really like turkeys.

    Those hens are gorgeous and looking mighty content there in the grass. Good Job

  8. Way to go Boris!
    Watch out, those Ghost hens will be flying the coop soon.
    Now, John you can kick up those feet and rest a spell.

  9. Hello John, I'm glad you found some soft fruit for Boris...maybe you're right and this will be a turning point for him. Poor fellow. I bet it won't be long until your Ghost hens are pecking and scratching all over the place..bet they're a lot happier too. Thanks for stopping by my blog to day. You asked about the fire and how it started. Well the first time it started from a spark that went up and over a huge metal building and landed on the old wood shingles. The second time the only thing we can figure is that there was still a 'hot spot' in the barn under some of the burned rubble that started up when we got a breeze from the south west. The fire department did a really good job but there must have been a spot that they couldn't see. The old building was about 100 years old which is new compared to your standards. Anyway...there you have it. Enjoy your day....Maura :)

  10. Poor boris, try some honey'ed water might give him a boost. Congrats on the open day, looked like a really good day all round. Couldn't see any bunting though in you pics! Got to have some bunting. I'll make you some for next years open day.

    Feeling better but still not 100%, maybe I should try a nice ripe pear (I need to say that with a sid james style laugh)


  11. jess
    we HAD bunting!!!

  12. Well I'll make you some to hang from the hen houses.


  13. So glad that Boris is eating. The pear was a really good idea, and I hope it jump-starts him back to good health.

  14. Hope the ripe fruit gets Boris going again. Are you sure someone didn't slip some different white hens in when you were out? The ghost hens are turning into chickens.

  15. The hens sure do look nice and happy. You have done such a wonderful job with them.
    Happy Boris starting eating.


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