Watch out they're loaded

Chris photographed me carrying the goslings from the front garden in the rain this evening!
I have learnt the hard way that care MUST be employed when transporting goslings, as they have the rather unfortunate tendency to explosively open their bowels without any warning whatsoever!
The best method I now use, is to hold each gosling backwards with their head tucked underneath my armpit and their "arse" cupped over each palm. In this odd position each baby remains quiet and still and when they do want to open their copious bowels, I just have enough warning ( which is usually a quiet fart) to point their bums forward so that the liquid sh*t shoots ahead like a bullet out of a gun!
Mind you looking at the above photo..I do look a little like a very VERY ugly woman with her somewhat odd pendulous breasts hanging out!!!!!
This evening gentleman farmer Ralph and his missus caught me thus "armed" with the babies and this morning a woman out for a walk with her Labrador stopped to watch me "firing" poo from both barrels as I walked into the field!!!!!

Caught up with Nu this evening and had a good gossip as she drank wine in her Ealing conservatory and I watched the rain from the bedroom window seat She is a senior nursing manager that covers two major London hospital departments and has a hugely stressful lifestyle! sometimes I feel a little parochial when we do catch up with things its a bit like Doc meeting up with Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany's.....I have organised a trip to see her in September and will take her to see Sweet Charity for her Birthday! a city exciting!


  1. Oh, how funny! Gives new meaning to "both barrels"!

  2. Double boweled shoot gun?

  3. Too funny....and I learnt something new too.

  4. Tee Hee Sharon - that's a double-boweled GOOSE gun! hee hee

  5. Pendulous indeed! Armed and dangerous!

  6. Aim those at the fox and let him have it with both barrels! That ought to make him think twice. Maybe that's why the geese are so explosive. Excellent advice on how to transport geese. I would probably work on chickens too. I'll have to try it out.

  7. Talk about some dangerous guns!

  8. Hilarious! Just hilarious!!! :)

  9. he he - did you watch the programme on chickens last night ?

  10. Should I ever find myself needing to carry goslings I will for sure remember this! lol

  11. it would a shame if I die right here sitting at the computer from laughing. Really, how do you come up with this stuff?
    I know all too well about duck bowels. Our boy duck (while we had him) had the naughty habit of dropping a liquid bomb on our laps as he cuddled and cooed innocently.

  12. Goslings at dawn? Goslings at 10 paces? Goosey 9 millimeter?
    "This is the 44 Gosling, the most powerfull handgun in the world, so what you got to ask your self is, do I feel lucky? Well, do you punk?"
    Just think of the mileage we could get out of this!!

  13. LOL Oh yes John you're so right about watching out for the 'other' end. They could shoot through the eye of a needle and sure!

  14. go on punk (gander)
    make my day!"

  15. OMG

    You are WAY too funny!


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