As Requested

Ok, I know I risk sounding like Delia soddin Smith but here goes
Mix a good sized portion of smoked mackerel with some cooked cod
Add a cooked onion and some cold mashed potato (that has been mixed with garlic and butter)
mix together with salt, pepper, parsley or coriander and a good lot ( and I MEAN at least two level teaspoons of paprika
Leave in the fridge to get slightly stiff ( at least 2 hours)
separate the mixture into cakes and dip into plain flour ( with more paprika added)
Lightly fry in olive oil until crisp


  1. Where in the world do you get the mackeral and cod? Do they come in a can or do you buy fresh?

  2. supermarket cassie we can buy the mackeral easily here...frozen cod is fine, just cook it in a bit of butter!!!

  3. I've never seen mackeral here, so will now have to make that a mission. Frozen cod I can get. Will try this...pretty easy with few ingredients! Thanks!!

  4. Canned Tuna or even Salmon will substitute.

    I always buy additional fresh white fleshed fish fillets from the fishmonger and cook the lot. The leftover fillets go to making fish cakes the following day or two.!

  5. I'm going to try this. Looks really good.

  6. Well, pretty sure can't get mackeral here. Would halibut be okay to use?
    Thanks for the recipe. :)

  7. use any strong tasting fish..that will be ok

  8. Yummy! I love fish cakes.

  9. Awwwww John thanks for posting this recipe. I'm not sure where I'll get smoked mackeral but the cod I may be able to get. I'm sure I'll find something for a substitute if I have to. Mmmm my mouth is watering as I write this! Your fish patties look delicious. Hope you're having a wonderful day....Maura :)

  10. My honeyman would probably really like those. He isn't vegetarian as I am. Will see if I can find the ingredients and make them for him. The cod and mackeral, I have no idea if we have that at our store or not. They look good :O)

    I just read other comments, so any strong tasting fish. Got it!

  11. since I live in the hot soddin south GA, our soddin country stores don't carry smoked mackerel, of course.
    I will try them with smoked salmon, or maybe smoked trout(which i can buy next week when I have a trip to the mountains where it is caught)
    Sounds so yummy, thanks for posting the recipe! I will be trying it very soon! I might try it with crab,too, while I am at it.

  12. When I lived in Nova Scotia, my next-door neighbour caught and smoked his own mackerel. If only I'd had this recipe then! I LOVE good fish cakes.

  13. sounds like my grannie's fish cakes

  14. I think this sounds like Mom's Salmon burgers, that brings back memories. (Of hot dogs, I don't care for salmon...)



  15. Your recipe reminds me of my grandmother's cake recipe which began "take enough flour"


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