To each his own

I am not sure about the Liberace type hair do, but the smile is still as gracious as ever,...Olivia De Havilland, the VERY last of the Hollywood greats is still going strong at 94.
Nuff said


  1. She's as beautiful as ever. I had no idea that she was still alive.

  2. Agreed, Smooches and runs.

  3. Very pretty woman of 94 with a beautiful smile... Should we all be so lucky :O) ...

  4. I called my (almost)87 year old mom on July 1st to tell her it was Olivia's 94th birthday! She is the last living lead player from Gone With The Wind, which was my mother's all time favorite movie. She always said Clark Gable reminded her of her papa.

    Just read the getting ready for company post and am in awe of your culinary skills dear John! Bet that apple pie wins some points with Chris's colleague.

  5. Sigh... I should look so good.....

    She has that same wonderful face, so many of us change beyond recognition after we are "finished", she seems the same.

  6. Now that's a Lady!!! Can only hope to look half as good as her at her age.

  7. so beautiful. I hope to look half this good when i am her age.

  8. wow, I thought she was already gone! She's looking marvellous.

  9. Oh, she's wonderful. I think my favorite Olivia movie is "To Each Their Own." Wonderful.

    I had no idea she was still alive. Thanks for the bright news.


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