Lonely George and the Magpie Ducks

Without Maddie, George remains a little quiet and isolated. While the two Welsh spat over the remains of an over baked lasagna dish in the kitchen this morning, George took himself off upstairs out of the way.

I sneaked up with him and cuddled up on the bed to give him a little "quality" time and I am now resolved to get him a pal of his own at some point in the future. Funnily enough the breeder where we got all of our dogs from has a scottie bitch which may become available (she is the last scottie she has and will have!) In Susan's words she has a good "heart".....and is called Tweed.......we will need to think about her.

Yesterday I lady from the next hamlet called down to the field. She asked if I could call into her farm and review her new hens which had been delivered recently. New to hen keeping, she had suddenly "inherited" 40 or so pure breed young birds but had not idea of breeds and sex.

I called around to her farm yesterday afternoon. It was one of those farms that could have come straight out of Home and Country magazine. The yard was so neat and clean that you could have eaten your dinner from it, and all of the young birds were in enclosures and coops that would not have looked out of place in Buckingham Palace's gardens.
Cuckoo cochins, brahmas, silkies with their pompom heads filled every run and I did what I could to give some advice and guidance.
Before I left the woman asked me if I would take her three Magpie ducks. She had inherited these with the hens, and although they too were beautifully looked after, their run was way too small for them. I have agreed and so I now have three of these traditional welsh ducks to join the Indian runner flock


  1. you sound like me. Wherever I go, I somehow end up with an animal or two to bring back with me. It's a blessing and a curse at the same time.
    That duck is an absolute beauty, can't blame you.

  2. Quack quack! How lovely...xxx

  3. Perhaps George needs a "play date" with Tweed, to see if it gives him a spark. It may or may not help.

    Pretty duck!

  4. Oh cool new ducks! I like the little black beany hat on the ducks head :O) tee hee.

    So someone gave that woman 40 chickens, thats a lot of chickens!

  5. John, trust me, you will know what to do about George as far as adding a companion for him, until a 4 legged one comes along, I am sure he's loving the one on one attention from you and Chris!

    I love ducks too and think this one looks like one out of a story-book! This morning I can't remember if you have an open pond on your allotment?

  6. kim
    I have a small "pool" which is part of a stream on the border of the allotment, unfortunately given the very dry weather is is practically empty at the moment. I aim to clear it out this week and in the future will stone line it a little more

  7. They're lovely ducks John...such pretty markings. Poor George..I think he's still missing Maddie. I hope things work out and Tweed and George get along...maybe that's all he needs to get him 'smiling' again. Have a wonderful weekend :)

  8. I think George is very, very cute! Look at that face! I might even give him a goat kiss!

  9. Oh, that duck is beautiful.

    Sharon has a good idea there. A play date might be just the thing.

  10. Magpie Ducks - haven't seen any of those since i was a kid! My Mum always had several pairs in the yard!

  11. Wow, what a beautiful duck! Have never seen one that color before.
    Still giggling over the pic of you carrying the goslings with their behinds pointing forward. :)
    Give George a pat for me. Maybe he should pick out his 'own' dog!!

  12. they are beautiful ducks.....

    Gill in Canada


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