Banana shock

The day almost got off to a bad start after I took Chris his usual breakfast in bed!
Instead of his usual "fry up" I thought I would try him out with some healthy eating for a change...
so with his nice cup of hot tea I presented him with some nice wholewheat toast with a sliced banana on top!!!
Looking and sounding like Rumpole of the Bailey he bellowed
"I am NOT eating Children's food!!!!"
Without a word I went downstairs, removed the offending fruit and replaced it with peanut butter (I also managed to quash the urge to rub the buttered bread into Albert's cat litter tray)
Healthy eating will have to wait until lunch me thinks!

Today I am having a day off from weeding. We are going to Llandudno to experience the new Mostyn Art Gallery then having lunch at Osborn House........
I will have to give my face a scrub


  1. Morning John!! I can honestly say that in 29 years of marriage I have never made my husband breakfast in bed! And he would never balk at my toast, he's always just be happy I fixed something for him!! :-))) By the way did you know that peanut butter and banana was said to be Elvis Presley's favorite?

  2. No me neither, never ever took him brekky in bed, if he's hungry he will bloody well get up! xxx

  3. Oh dear... tee hee... My lady has seen Rumpole of the Bailey and no has this rather interesting way of imagining Chris. oop. hee hee So sorry your loving intent got quashed.

  4. Breakfast in bed means crumbs on the sheets. Tell Chris that he can get up, or go hungry.

  5. My motto is if you want to eat in bed sleep in the kitchen. And never bite the hand that feeds you this case complain to the chef.:)

  6. Aww John, and here you thought you were doing Chris a favor. Oh time he can get up and get it himself ;) Enjoy your break from weeding and we'll be watching for pictures from your outing...Maura :)

  7. Breakfast in bed, eh?
    Hollered at you?
    Two strikes......

  8. Oh my, sounds like someone is spoiled and forgot themselves. I might have left without a word, but it would have been to not return with anything! LOL. Would have figured, fine get your own LOL.

  9. Had to come back to let you know that my mam just rang me to say she'd made your fishcakes & they were delicious!!!!

  10. No breakfast in bed in this house !

  11. What! No. Complaining about breakfast in bed! That's wrong. Chris can get his own breakfast, smile and like it. He was acting like a child, so he could certainly eat "kiddie food." Phooey. You were just thinking of his health.

    Hope you enjoyed the gallery and lunch.

  12. I hope that Chris reads your blog and the comments...

  13. You were kind enough to bring him breakfast in bed and he barks at you! Um, Personally I would have wiped the toast on one of the dogs behinds and took it back up and gave it to him!!!
    Maybe, just maybe Chris was PMS'ing and didn't mean to be rude. :)

  14. Albert? Have Albert bring Chris breakfast in bed. hee, hee

    Cute Simon video...


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