A nIce Day

After the banana/toast incident..we did in fact have a nice relaxing day yesterday!
There was a wedding at the church and the Lych Gate was decorated rather sweetly with old English roses and garlands..it looked so pretty that several of the villagers came around to look and photograph it.

We drove to Llandudno and had a mooch around the New Mostyn Art gallery

Although small, the gallery felt light and airy and even though we are not huge modern art people the exhibitions were for the most part interesting!!

Mind you Chris did his usual Mr Spock eyebrows when he spied a collection of some pubic hair looking fur installed on the wall display.

The cafe was rather minimalist but very trendy ( we liked that) and Chris (below) liked the gallery shop which sold things like wicker baskets for 83£!

We had a rather nice lunch at Osborne's and Chris treated me to some clothes and a jaunty sun hat for the allotment....
It was a nice afternoon

Today is rainy and dull. Chris will get back to some writing and I need to get stuck in with some weeding.
The magpie ducks have settled in quite nicely but I have yet to sex all three of them as yet....they are very young but I am sure I have heard at least one quack so far......I hope I have two females and one drake.....time will tell. I will blog some photos of them as well as an update on the ghost hens later if I remember
I am just draining my second cup of coffee and it is 9.20 am.....off for a long march with the dogs now then off to weed
Above is a splash of red Montbretia that has just flowered in the back garden


  1. Lunch, clothes AND a hat?! Sounds like someone maybe was feeling some guilt after the banana toast incident?? I hope so!!! You deserve to be spoiled after that, and I'm glad you had a nIce day!

  2. Hah! Kim has already said what I was thinking as I read. Off to see if Montbretia is something that grows on this side of the ocean.

  3. Good Morning John! Oh my sounds like you had a nice day despite the banana toast start. Ooo you'll have to model your new clothes and hat for us one day. I've never seen a flower like that before...it's very different but beautiful. Enjoy your Sunday! :)

  4. It sounds like your day got a lot better after such a rocky start! I love art museums of all kinds! By all means, we need a sot of you in your new duds! Love the flower, that's very pretty!

  5. pubic hair installed on the wall?
    gallery must've been a hair-raising experience!

  6. I can be bought!!
    tee hee

  7. rofl you can be bought... that made me laugh :O)...

    But glad ya'lls day turned out to be nice after rough start ...

  8. I love the floral decorations at the church. Glad you enjoyed your day out.

    Gill in Canada

  9. Merkins! On the wall!

    What were they, trophies? LOL!

  10. clothes, lunch, gallery, hat...you are being spoiled! You did wash your face, I am sure!
    Sounds like a great way to spend a day away from your feathered "charges".


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