Weeding,Ghost hens update and the magpie ducks settle in

I have been weeding for six hours today and have just got on top of the main vegetable bed....all this bending and straightening has taken its toll on my back and I must admit increased my flatulence levels!! ( a sign of middle age I am told!)
From my weeding advantage point I could keep an eye on the newer members of the field population.
The ghost hens are still safely in their prefab chicken run, and remain strangely quiet and careful in every aspect of their little lives. But the ex battery hens ARE looking brighter in themselves. Without the frozen fear they exhibited when they first came to me, they will amble in and out of the coop with a little more purpose and strength of step.
Their bald spots are fading somewhat now and they have pecked at "strange" foods such as cabbage leaves and dandelions, a thing they did not do during their first couple of weeks with me
In comparison the magpie ducks seem right at home in their own enclosure. They are handsome upright young ducks, two with chocolate brown markings and one with black. I think I may keep them!


  1. Reading this blog is not good for my marriage.

    I really really want some ducks damnit.

  2. Oh, my, a beautiful garden to die for! The hens look a lot brighter now, not so dull and afraid. Those ducks are just fabulous!

    You must be terribly proud of yourself! I would be!

  3. Everything looks great!

  4. Your garden looks great. I just came in from placing some stones as a border around some rosemary. I can only last in short spurts in this 100 plus heat.

    That red flower in your other post is very pretty. I have never seen that before.

  5. Dan,
    Indian runners do very well in gardens as they dont need a pond ( just a bath of clean water to clean their bills)
    Having said that, you need at least three or four ducks..the dont do well if not in a flock!!!

    get them, your missus will love them and their eggs

    thanks everyone for your comments..it looks better than it did , believe me!!!

  6. John, your garden is just beautiful! Your hard work is certainly paying off--You are going to have quite the harvest!
    The ghost hens are looking so much healthier--Are you still planning on making them your lunch??

    I am in love with those ducks--They are really photogenic, once again you've taken great pictures of them!

  7. Jemima Puddle-Duck!

    Love the garden, I'm very envious. I am trying to talk the local council into installing raised garden beds in a garden allotment particularly for the use of aged persons and persons who have disabilities.

  8. What a pretty garden. You did really well.

  9. Excellent garden, happy hens, happy ducks. Life is good! (I heavily envy that garden, my potted plants look rather silly in comparison.)


  10. Oh the ducks are looking grand. Did you see Jamie wotsit's programme on Chickens ? The poor rescue chickens had funny walks - Monty Python style bless em.
    Your veg is looking great. I washed out some cabbage leaves from my veg bed for supper & the water was very green - I've never had tha from shop bought !
    WE have lettuce & courgettes coming out of our ears !!!

  11. The garden looks swell. I think it looks like one of the illustrations from the Tales of Peter Rabbit!!

  12. oh, the garden!!!!
    But the gorgeous ducks take the cake.


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