The Prestatyn Flower Show (and Boris update)

The Prestatyn Flower Show got off to a slightly wet but hugely successful start today. Entries were up a third on last year and must admit I was very impressed with the flower and vegetable classes
Janet ( twin sister above) wiped the board with firsts for her Orchid, Cut flowers and best garden in Prestatyn while Elder sister, Ann won for her floral art entries and nabbed the "best in show" award for one of her displays.......I was left somewhat in their shadows but was pleased I won a first for my beetroots!!!!
Below : a selection of show photographs:-

Janet's winning cut flowers

Cake and craft tent

The Flower and Vegetable Tent

My Beetroots were stunning!

Janet's winning garden

I had a nice mooch around the show with Meg tucked under my arm. We shared a ham roll and a cup of tea and listened to the Jazz Men musicians as the weather started to brighten just a little! I hope that our Trelawnyd Show is half as successful as Ann's show seems to be.
So this afternoon I am back in my dirty wellies and scruffy pants. Boris remains ill and droopy after his collapse yesterday. I have spoken to the new vet who is at a bit of a loss of what actually happened but suspects that because Boris has been so "preoccupied" with matters of the flesh,so to speak, he has become run down and has picked up an infection of some sort.
I gave him his antibiotic and sat with him for a half hour stroking his bald head. He looks very shaky bless him.


  1. Hello John..I was about to say good morning but it's mid afternoon where you are. Sorry to learn Boris still isn't doing so're so good to your animals. I hope the antibiotics kick in quickly and he's back up on his feet raring to go again. Hopefully next time he'll pace himself ;) CONGRATULATIONS on your beet root win! Good for you and they do look lovely. Your sisters creations are beautiful're a talented group! I hope you're enjoying your Friday...have a great weekend. Maura :)

  2. Congratulations on your win.
    Janets garden looks lovely, and gald the show went well. Carrying Meg must have been hard work!
    I know George would have been jumping at the cake stands.
    Hope Boris is on the mend soon

  3. Good hopes for the flower show and Boris. It all looks lovely, especially the cakes. Mmmmm. I like my beets pickled with some ranch dressing on a salad.

  4. Everything looks lovely. And, your beetroots are perfect! Here's hoping that the antibiotics kick in quickly for poor Boris.

  5. Everything looks lovely, and you were worried! The beets were a great choice, I was wondering what you were going to show! Your sisters have a way with flowers, that's for sure!

    Poor Boris, mayhap he wasn't eating as well as he could have, had he not had the girls on his mind. I hope that beautiful boy gets feeling better soon!

    Mmmm, all that food! I believe I would have gone home and ate the refrigerator!

    Your open is tomorrow? Am I mixed up again? I was thinking there were two separate events.

  6. Looks like you and your sisters cleaned up at the show on awards! Congratulations :O).

    Now if I can just get my beets to grow that well this fall!

    Hope Boris is doing better with some rest, and getting some food and water in him. and the antibiotics :O)

  7. yews sharon 2 events!
    my sister's flower show ( the Prestatyn flower show) is today and tomorrow and my allotment open day is on sunday!!!

  8. Glad to hear Boris is still hanging in there. Congratulations to you all on your success at the show!

  9. So sorry to hear about old Boris. Hope your treatment clears up his problems. Your sis's show was beautiful. Loved the winning flower arrangement.

  10. Ohhhh, the beauty of village life! I adore it from afar. There were so many interesting and beautiful entries at the show. And congratulations on your breathtakingly beautiful bulbous best big beet roots!! They have my vote!

  11. Beautiful cut flowers!!!! And congrats on the prize winning beet roots, John!


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