Help Trundles in

The weather has closed in this afternoon, so my last minute strimming and weeding has been put on hold until tomorrow.
I have started to bake cakes and an apple pie for Sunday, and have been (nicely) interrupted by a steady stream of donations for the day!
Auntie Gladys must have been up at dawn baking as 60 neatly bagged scones were ready for collection at 10am, and this afternoon Pat braved the torrential rain to deliver two Bara Brith loaves.
Now for those that don't know, Bara Brith is a traditional Welsh fruit loaf where the fruit is usually soaked in cold tea. The Welsh name means literally "speckled Bread" and the loaf is served sliced with lashings of butter! It's delicious
Pippa galloped past with the dog last night stating she will bring her cakes on the day as will Heulwen and Pat's daughter Joanne, who has made a carrot cake. More sponges are winging their way from Sylvia from the Flower Show and old Mrs Jones ( the old farmer's wife I caught hanging on the back of a tractor a way back)
Chris, (the guy that owns Theresa the turkey on loan) is dropping off some old farming implements to display and another allotment holder Graham has just rung and agreed to set up a stall of his home grown produce for sale on the day!
Things are starting to come together


  1. Things are coming along nicely then. Wish I lived nearer I would love to come. xxx

  2. I will waver the admisssion charg for you

  3. Well! Tracey said just what I was going to - she got here first. Great minds and all that!

    That bread looks so good, and I am a firm believer of "lashings of butter". My mouth is watering, could be because it's lunch time...

    Well, now, all your ducks, chickens, geese and turkeys are in a row! (You have guineas too, don't you?)

    Everything is going to be perfect!

    Hoping for lots of pictures and happy smiles!

  4. I don't suppose you have a recipe for the bread? Or I can Google it!

  5. NAT
    i will ask pat for you!

  6. That bread looks soooo good. Looks a bit like date nut bread. MMmmmmmm. Are you nervous?

  7. Your show is coming together really well, xx

  8. I could trundle in and help you eat the cakes...!!

  9. Looks like you are off to a good start lol...hmmmm that bread looks delicious.

  10. Hello John...oooo that Bara Brith sounds as good as it looks! Never heard of it before though. Looks as though you'll have plenty of food and interesting things to bring in the locals and beyond. Something for everyone! :)

  11. ok I am excited and pooy I can't come. I would love to! :O).

    When this is over you must post the recipe for the Bara Brith Loaves!

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  14. Whoops. My first post didn't work. I'll try again.


    Good Delia recipe here for Bara Brith:

    Delia Online


    Have a nice weekend. Why not call me one evening next week? Nx

  15. Looks yummy John. This is my 3rd open alotment with you!! Wouldn't it be cool if someday I could be there in person?!

  16. My mouth is watering....

  17. That bread looks so good! It all sounds so exciting. Wish I could stop by... I'll be looking forward to your photos.

  18. I know it's not possible, but I could swear that I can smell that yummy bread! Now that my mouth is watering I will have to rummage through my refrigerator in hopes of finding something as yummy as that bread!

    Back from the fridge: O.K. All I found was an echo and some questionable pickles. Wish I could come and buy some cakes off you!

  19. A recipe would be nice John for that loaf/bread....when you can squeeze it in. You are so busy!


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