Crisis of confidence and a sex injury

I have a lot on today. I need to get my entries in for the PRESTATYN FLOWER SHOW, which opens tomorrow, and I still have tons of things to do before the Open day on Sunday.
I had a crisis of confidence about the day yesterday after I bumped into a few villagers who apologised for not being able to attend, Auntie Glad was one of those people, which upset me a little as at ninety she has always had the energy to ....having said this she rang with the offer of making a "few" scones for the day...... I had to laugh when she asked "will 60 be enough?"
I do so hope enough people will attend

So this morning, as I was planning which vegetable would be best to enter, I heard a strange dull thud and tuned just in time to see Boris fall to the ground after climbing onto Gloria to mate for the millionth time !
I ran over to find the old guy panting a little as he squatted on his knees and he did look pale and shaky. As he is normally fit and well, I have the awful feeling that he has suffered some cardiac type event after his mating exertions. How the hell do you take the pulse of a 15 kilo stag turkey? and what is a normal pulse for one anyway? I have no way of knowing
I know that hens run on incredibly high blood pressures and are prone to strokes and cardiac arrests, but turkeys?
Anyhow I picked him up and put him in the quiet of his hut with food and water and NO FEMALES to distract him. His head is down and he looked shocked which is not a good sign. I do so hope he will be ok

Last night I made black current jam into the wee small hours, and subsequently felt sick all night after tasting the jam too many times to see if the sugar had melted. The kitchen looks like a gypsy encampment at the moment, with everything piled up ready for Sunday. My sister Janet ( who is more than a list maker than I am) gave me her check list for the day and I think I have ticked every box so far.
Sometimes I wonder if it all worth the effort. after all , all of the money raised will be going to the
Church and not me! I could do with a few hundred pounds........I need a new hen house of the Ghost hens!

hey ho


  1. I hope people turn out for your show. I'd come if it wasn't so far away.

    On another note, because you are probably one of the few people who would be vaguely interested by this news - I'm planning on making ginger beer today.

  2. let me know how you do it dan
    I will love to give it a go, Chris loves ginger beer

  3. Poor Boris! I hope he is better this morning! Best of luck for the show!

  4. Poor Boris, I would say he had it coming, but he IS a turkey and doing what comes naturally. I hope he gets to feeling better!

    Your jam looks dark and rich. Mmmm! I take it you made it the fruit and sugar way? No pectin?

    No telling you not to worry about this weekend, you're gonna anyway. I hope all goes well!

  5. I thought from the title that you'd trapped your willy in something!...OK that's just my mind! xxx

  6. Looks like you really had a busy day...hope Boris is ok.
    Hope the show goes according to your hopes.

  7. I'm sure the open day will go well, the weather forecast seems ok which always helps. Boris has probably just been overdoing it and in need of a rest - I don't know anything about turkeys, I'm just anthropomorphosing (good word huh!)and the jam, about which I do know a bit, looks great!

  8. Have fun at the show! I'm sure it will go great.

    I do hope that Boris is OK.

  9. Hope the show has a big turn out. Hope Boris is okay. How old is he? How old do turkeys usually live to? I do say that I believe you need a few days rest after all of this. I think you are a lot like me. If you're not busy doing something, you're quick to find something to keep you busy. I wish you the best of luck with all!

  10. YOu kitchen looks perfectly normal for a busy farm kitchen,lol! I do hope Boris makes it...but isn't that how all males hope to die,in the throws of passion? Sorry bad joke! Good luck with the show!

  11. gawd, it seems as though I am always surrounded by sick animals!
    Boris is holding his own at the moment.....the new vet was very good..said that nothing have been overlooked with old Boris ( ie working etc) and gave me an antibiotic just in case there was an underlying infection present beneath his passionate exterior!!

    He is only two and a half randy!

  12. After reading the title of your post I hardly dared read on!! Do hope dear Boris makes a full recovery & is soon back to his splendid best. I hope all your hard work is rewarded with a successful show xx

  13. Om....m-m-m-m-m-m.

  14. I hope Boris recovers. Poor thing and you. I have had my share of heat stroke here last year -- it's a definite killer. Do well at the show Big Man. Ginger Beer sounds yummy by the way.

  15. Animals and their sex lives...too much information!

  16. Poor Boris the Turkey is flagging
    His robust little wattle is sagging
    What's put him in this state
    Is his penchant to mate
    For Boris is flagging from shagging.

    Hope Boris gets well soon. Glad to hear that he's "holding his own." ;)

  17. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, John. With LOTS of people attending the flower show and ooooing and ahhhhing over your entries. I bet it will be a blast!

    Are flower shows ever a "blast"???


    My condolences to Boris. Typical male...

  18. Sounds like a fun weekend. I'm sure you'll have a bif turnout for your open day - it's the type of thing I'd love to go to. Please post photos of your entries to the flower show. You have so many beauties, I don't know how you'd decide what to enter.

    Hope Boris is all better now.

  19. I love a village/flower/garden show, I hope lots of people turn up and you raise lots of money. Can we have some pictures of the show?

  20. Good luck on your show, Poor Turkey, he's no go, but at least the title of the blog gave us a chuckle, ho ho!

    (ok, not as good as Alex, but it got me of a mind to try!)


  21. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR BEST WISHES... and alex for your ditty ( mad as a box of frogs!!)

    I will catch you with your blogs very soon

  22. oh my I hope Boris will recover. I can tell you our herdsire can get to looking a bit peekid himself when all the girls are in heat at once and that buck sleeps eats and breaths mating like no ones business for days on end LOL. This last spring I kid you not I thought he had gone mad LOL, every single time I looked outside he was with a doe! He was very into his job. Which took it tole on him. But he is fit as fiddle now and has gained back all his weight he lost and his long hair looks all pretty again now...Hopefully Boris just was a bit over driven.

    I hope your open day goes super. I would love to attend that. I am guessing maybe your 90 yr old lady friend just didn't feel up to walking the day, it had nothing what so ever do with the event itself.

    Your jam looks goooooood!

  23. Hi John! Aww thanks for my hug today (Thursday)I needed it and it's nice to know that people care. Poor Boris...but I guess if you have to go...that's the way to do it huh! I do hope he's feeling better though...poor fellow. LOL so you got a sugar 'high' from sampling your it was worth it sure looks good. Try and enjoy yourself at the show...that was nice of your elderly lady friend to offer to make so many scones was it? It's 9:30 at night here and in less than a half hour I wake up hubby (works nights) and we're going to separate the cockerels from the hens and off to the butchers they go on Saturday morning. Finally there will be peace in the coop and hopefully the young hens will start laying soon. Should be fun...NOT. Enjoy your day...try not to fret and I'll be watching to see how everything went. I bet you have a wonderful day. Take care. :)

  24. The show will be a great success! Hope you get some time to enjoy a bit of it what with all the work you will be doing. The jam looks yummy!

  25. Your post put a smile on my face,
    Hope Boris gets over it and that the show goes OK, maybe your jam will get placed.
    You are right, It is in Wales, taken at Newborough Beach Anglesey,
    I'll be putting a post up so about it soon.
    Good Luck at the show Jan


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