A Little Victory

My babies have flown the coop, metaphorically speaking that is. Both Winnie and Jo, have been released in the duck enclosure and they have immediately taken charge over the three quieter magpie ducks. Out of , what looks suspiciously like devilment, they challenge the ducks with the typical neck stretch threats of adult birds, and tower over them even at the tender age of five weeks. I have tried to get them to come over and sit on my knee as they did only a couple of weeks ago, but theyare having none of it.
The Ghost hens have turned the corner too.(touches wood)
I sat and watched their antics yesterday, and all of them are now walking normally around their small makeshift run. They seem brighter and more alert in themselves now, and with some encouragement have even eaten cabbage hearts and sprout leaves, rather than their preferred pellets and corn.
They don't bicker or fight at all and will continue to lie out all together, even in the rain , but the frozen passivity that characterised their behaviour when they first came ,has all but disappeared.
The new hens have just about settled in to the buff coop. The delicate cochins with their big fat feathered feet that resemble scuba divers' flippers, are shy and nervous, but are comical looking birds..I have a feeling I will be buying a few more very soon......


  1. I love your birdie stories! More please xx froogs

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Morning John! Yours is the first blog I've read and it's a delightful way to start my day! I'm glad that all is well, but am a bit bothered that you have raised 2 bully geese! :-)

  4. Yay for the Ghosts! It's so satisfying to see the life & soul come back into battery farmed birds :) And you have Cochins - I am green with envy! ;)

  5. Those new hens are beautiful! And, it is so good to hear that the ghost hens are coming alive. I guess you were right when you said that the goslings had acquired the far away stare of adult birds. Bet if something scares them, they'll still run to you, though.

  6. I'm not truly awake, but gray skies have me at the comp so I can for sure comment!

    I hope you haven't raised a couple aggressive geese like mine were! The Ghost hens really do look great. I love the fancy hens! They are beautiful!

    Have a great afternoon!

  7. Isn't that the way with all teenagers!?! Yeah for the ghost hens ! I love cochins,they are my favorites.

  8. all sorts going on at your place....

    Gill in Canada

  9. Awe they are so pretty and have rotund butts. You lucky man!


  10. Sounds like the goslings mean to take over the group :O).

    How nice the ghost hens are doing so well!

    The Cochins are pretty!

  11. John, the Ghost hens have come a long way....what a study in chicken psychology! You have the magic touch/approach.Amazing what a little love can do. Be careful, you may get the reputation as being the rehabilitator(?) of sociopathic hens.....and will be helping everyone with theirs!

  12. Another blog with chickens! I've had a nice look round and will be back!

  13. Our 'pond ducks' do exactly the same thing, only in the pond. A few of them swim to the others and do the 'neck stretching' bit and then 'stand' up and flap their wings. Now I know why!

  14. Hello John, aww I'm sad to hear the geese are changing and getting more independent but I guess that's life for a goose. I hope they don't become as aggressive as my African Geese have become...I have to carry a little stick to keep Priscilla from pinching me! she get's mad when I push her back with it but I don't want her making me black and blue. Oh well...such is life on the farm. We had a barn fire today...I'll be posting about it tomorrow morning. It was a sad day. I hope your day is a good one. Take care....Maura :)

  15. Okay that is a whole lot more thinking about chickens than I have ever done... not sure if that is good or not?

  16. The goslings are turning into geese. I'm very interested to see how your two turn out... sweet or mean. Our Cochin is a sweet little bird, but she is shy too and doesn't like to be picked up. We call her Curly because her feathers have a bit of a curl. Cochins are very pretty.

  17. Blimey they scare me...I'd run away fast !


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