
I know, it's lazy blogging, but just wanted to show you just how big Winnie and Jo are after just three weeks of hatching.

They seem terrified of the turkeys and other birds and kept close to "mom" during their time on the field. I will blog properly later...have an amusing family story to share


  1. ohhhh bless them.


  2. :-)

    How can anyone look at those adorable little fluff-balls and not smile?

    Feel free to be a 'lazy blogger' anytime.

    Isn't it nice to be so loved?

  3. I got very excited when I saw "goslings" in your title. They are just adorable.

  4. ok love the accent. ah yours not the goslings... they sure have grown!

  5. Oh John they are adorable! I wish our Priscilla and Percy were still cute little fluff balls again. You've got quite the selection of critters there...goodness they must keep you hopping just cleaning up after them! By the way...I LOVE your stone wall! Have a wonderful day...looking forward to hearing your story. Maura :)

  6. Wow, haven't they got big John. They really do think you are their Mummy don't they. Bless. Sue x

  7. Oh my goodness! They may be growing up, but they still need you.

  8. Those goslings are growing so fast, they are really attached to you and I believe you to them, too! Jill got interested when I played your movie, I highly doubt I could have any birds here. :( Jack even came in here to see what all the noise was about! Winnie and Jo are such little dears!

  9. Oh my they have grown so big in such a short time.
    I agree, feel free to be a lazy blogger anytime. I for one really enjoy hearing your voice.

  10. Ooooooooooooo!!! Cuteness overload!

    You have a beautiful collection of birds there, John.

  11. When you are ready to set the goslings free, put them in with the other waterfowl at night(When dark out so they are sleepy). Keep a very close eye on them the first couple days.... so make sure you will be around to guard them. They will hate it the first day, but soon they will all be friends and they wont need their "mom" anymore. It's not very easy for the "moms". True story, it was very hard for Kelsi. Start slow. It takes time


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