Spartacus has a sad end

Spartacus the deformed eating hen died in the night. Her sad little body a testament to the uncaring factory farm where she came from. The five remaining hens seem healthy enough, even though they are light runty little birds with bad skin.
Mike at the The Halpern Homestead I think lost quite a few of his young eating birds.
Working this morking...too tired to blog properly this afternoon!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This morking"?? You need some rest dear man! Sorry to hear about Spatacus. RIP.

  3. Oh, too bad, it had such a strong name, one would have hoped.....

    Go to bed! (wash your feet first!)

  4. Sorry about spartacus but at least she/he got to experience some care before she/he went.


  5. Poor Spartacus....maybe it will be an eye opener to someone who hasn't yet been enlighten to the reality of the sorry practices of most chicken farms....but I guess most folks who drop by here already know .

  6. Rest up John, and just know that you made a difference to Spartacus because you cared about what happened to her...

  7. I am sorry Spartacus didn't make it.

    sigghhh... I was raised half my life by my dear Grandparents who raised poultry for a living.

    Arkansas, you know well half the state raises poultry for a living (ok I don't know the exact percentage but its a lot)...One of the few Industries in that state for country people, well it was back then, that was many years ago I can't really speak for now....

    Yes they are raised fast, things I don't think most would really want to know in their food. Fed fast, grown fast and turned over fast...a matter of weeks and then hauled to the Poultry Meat Plants... yep not much of a life.

    At least where I grew up they were as well cared for as possible when you are talking thousands as they could be .... they had plenty to eat and drink. Heat in the houses when it was cold and giant fans when it was hot. As well cared for as any chicken of thousands can be I guess...

    But yes thousands of chickens in 600 foot long chicken houses... mass production at its finest.....:O(...amazing how many chickens humans consume! The demand is there, so the product will be made....I guess...The chickens pay the price...

    As you know I am vegetarian 25 plus years, mmmmmm I wonder if growing up with that has anything to do with why LOL...actually it was odd... we never ate chicken when I was little. LOL...

  8. That's a shame John, one of my meat birds last year had a crossed beak, and I was going to cull him, but I left him and he managed fine,I used to trim it a bit for him when he got bigger so he could eat properly, but you never know with chickens, some make it some don't. Hope the rest do well.

  9. At least Spartacus had a good life for the time she was with you. More than most of those birds have. Poor thing.

  10. Sorry to hear of Spartacus' passing. At least she left this earth with someone who truly cared for her and about her.

  11. Aww John that's too bad about Spartacus. You did all you could to give her a better life than she had...sometimes these things just happen. I hope you have a better day tomorrow (Monday). :)

  12. Oh, dear... Yep... you need some sleep. Too much work and fox watching. Hope you get to take some time off for you.

  13. Oh no, but I'm glad you gave Spartacus some love before the end!


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