I'm gay and a lot of fun!!! (apparantly)

Chris has an esteemed colleague staying over with us on Wednesday, so today I have been busy completing "operation dog snot removal" .... the cottage now looks half decent

Last night we went to my Nephew Peter's 40th birthday party.
We were late (locking up the hens have some negatives) and got there around 9.45pm. The party had been running since 4pm, so only a few die hards were left, and most of the party goers were watching the Spain/Netherlands World Cup Final on a plasma tv set up outside!

My sister and Brother in law had enjoyed the afternoon celebrations by having a few beers and I had to laugh to myself, when my Ann introduced us to a couple of Peter's mates that we didn't know......
Ann, when squiffy, has a tendency to "over egg the pudding" when social interactions are concerned.......she means nothing by it, but can be amazingly inappropriate sometimes!!
Here is a snippet of the introduction

"This is John My brother...he's gay........and very funny!!!!
This is Chris....he's gay!!!
They both are very good fun!!!
and very funny!!!"

They're gay

How the hell do you react to that? Thank god Chris was standing behind me where I couldn't see him....but I could sense his Mr Spock eyebrows rising above his forehead!!!!!!!
Lol.....I smiled weakly! as did the main guy we were being introduced to........he was fairly smashed, which probably complicated his ability to work out just were my sister was going with this mode of conversation! so wisely he remained silent......
what else could you actually say to "he's gay and lots of fun!!!"
Perhaps "congratulations" may have been appropriate.......

She cracks me up! usually when she is tired and emotional, she bangs on about Chris being a Doctor!..............

tee hee


  1. Oh, Dear Lord, what an introduction! It's funny, but it isn't...... When she is sober, you must tell her what she said to this stranger to you, hee hee!

  2. Who says your funny ?

  3. the word is "you're"
    tee hee]==
    and I AM funny,,,,,,well funny peculiar

  4. Well,it all depends on how you interpret gay lol..it is kind of funny but like Sharon said, then it isn't. lol. Met a guy and his companion yesterday at the Sanctuary, instantly thought of you, not sure why, because I don't even really know you, but just reminded me of you, looked like you too. Nice guy and lot of fun. I just like nice funny people in general.lol...and yes you are funny.

  5. tina.. many thanks...

    my sister just makes me giggle when she goes the gay comment!, she means nothing by it

  6. Yup....you're funny & a raging homo! Wouldn't have it any other way!!! LOL xxx

  7. Maybe she meant gay as gay in happy lol....nothing wrong with being gay, any which way you look at it. :)

  8. Congratulations!

    You know I couldn't just say 1 word. Ann is such a hoot. I'm sending you an email now.x-c

  9. Oh, I might have you beat. Before David and I got married in 1982, my sister would introduce me to everybody like this - "This is my sister and her boyfriend. They live in sin."

  10. I was once introduced to "straights" as gay. They immediately told me how much they loved Liberace.LOLOLOLOLOL

    I too, think you are funny. Especially when skipping around the back yard being chased by baby geese.

  11. LOL...I'm trying to picture Chris's eyebrows! Oh dear...oh well the fellow handled it well and everyone had a good time including your sister ;) Hope you have a wonderful Tuesday John. Maura :)

  12. No, it is true... you are funny!
    You do funny stuff, you tell funny stories, funny stuff happens to you, and you even find the funny in things that don't seem funny at first.

    I mean cleaning up dog slime doesn't sound funny until you call it "operation dog snot removal."

    So, thank you for all the smiles and laughter you bring!

    And the goslings are adorable! So cute. I love the little peeping noises they make.

    P.S. Your sister is funny too.

  13. ROFL okay that made me laugh ...

  14. Actually, I have to say all the gay chaps I know are really funny and have a wicked sense of humour and really are good fun to be around! And it is especially funny to watch you being chased by the goslings!! S x

  15. Well John, sorry but I laughed at what your sister said. I took it as she is very proud of you and doesn't see a problem with you being gay. It isn't like you don't know! :)
    Personally I don't give a rats ass if someone is gay/lesbian/heterosexual. If they are good people that is all that matters. And a sense of humor is a must!
    And you dear John have a great sense of humor! Hugs! xoxo

  16. Oh, and I mean funny as in a bundle of fun, not funny as in a bit strange.

    Although................ lol S x

  17. I think your sister is a total riot. I like her.
    Cuts right to it, doesn't she?

  18. Bro,

    Well you are, and I would'nt have you any other way, but I actually said he is gay and not continental, and great fun, and it was lovely to see you both at the party.

    much love Ann xx

  19. lol

    you repeated yourself terribly!!!


  20. AMazing what comes out of some people's mouths, isn't it? :) But it was at least good-spirited!


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