Trelawnyd Male Voice Choir - The Rose (mpeg test 3+)

Tonight at around 9pm, I took the dogs for a walk to the Memorial Hall in the centre of the village, The Trelawnyd Male Voice Choir have their Choir practice every Tuesday evening, and it's wonderfully relaxing just standing outside the hall,listening to them singing their hearts out.

I so want to audition for the choir, but am crippled with the anxiety of not being good enough....another legacy from a pair of disinterested parents me thinks......


  1. I think that all of us have had that "not good enough" feeling many times, John. I know that I have. But, I have found it gets easier as I get older, and I keep repeating the mantra "the worst they can say is no" very firmly to myself.

    Audition. The worst they can say is no.

  2. John, i know im not the best at support. But what would you tell anyone else to do.

    Just do it and stop wussin around do you want me to come along as i guarantee il sound worse than you.

  3. That was beautiful John! You should just bite the bullet and GO FOR IT. Louise is right...the worst they can do is say no. At least you'll know you tried and you'll never regret that. :)

  4. Exactly! What everyone else said. Go for it! How else do people find out if they can sing. Go to the experts and find out. It's not a crime if you aren't accepted. They aren't going to brand you on your forehead, "Can't sing!" LOL

    Relax... deep breaths... smile... go sing! Enjoy!

    Thanks for Ruth Mott's name. I didn't know it was her.

  5. Come on J, you're the one who told me that Welshmen have the greatest voices! You are now a Welshman, right??

    Now I'll ask you once again: Are you familiar with David Gray? I just LoVe his singing. He's Welsh.

  6. me thinks, carpe diem.
    You should so go for it.
    I am a parent-less parent and often struggle with the same sence of being inadequate. What I find though is that if I try, most often I surprise myself and it all turns out well at the end.


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