I'm Spartacus

It's all a bit silly but Andy Whitfield is so better looking than Kirk Douglas



  1. Mmmmm, this is some real nice eye candy! And as for Kirk Douglas, never did see what the attraction was with him. To me not a very handsome fellow at all.

  2. Yes, I would have to agree with that!

  3. Oh do you really think so? Well it wouldn't do with all of us liking the same thing...

  4. It's all a matter of age difference, maybe, I thought Kirk Douglas was pretty good looking, oh, this guy is sweet, but his face has no character, like he isn't "finished" yet.

  5. I have to agree--But neither in my view can hold a candle to George Clooney!! hubba-hubba!! ;-)))

  6. No way! Kirk wasn't a pretty boy like he is, I prefer rugged! xxx

  7. Think Of the eraly Clint Eastwood and his role as Rowdy Yates, the 'Ramrod' in Rawhide - Young, gregarious and definitely attrctive - 'eye candy' as described. Now contrast Rowdy Yates character with that of Walt Kowalski, a recently widowed Korean War veteran in Gran Torino and you have an older but definitely still attractive male who in no way resembles the character of Rowdy Yates. imho, beauty remains, always, in the eye of the beholder! Clint Eastwood is an attractive male at any age and in any screen genre!

  8. Then I'm Cinderella!


  9. isnt it funny , but the smallest blog entries cause the biggest debates
    I never took to Kirk Douglas....he always looked a bit "common" to me (yikes how snobby)
    as for Clint Eastwood John..interesting point, but I never saw the appeal in him either...perhaps it is the more angular look I dont like!

    Having said this about old Kirk, I think his on screen relationship with Jean Simmons was lovely....I always think that spartacus was her best film

  10. I shouted out " I'm Sparticus " while out with a group of friends & it fell totally flat - none of them had any idea why I had & they all just looked at me- Oops !

  11. Just a pity the show's so crap!

  12. oh bel, I have missed you so!

    a pithy one liner from a designer label is something I miss from Sheffield on a daily basis!

  13. No need to miss me. You inner bitch is only ever a call away!


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